People are at the heart of any kind of work process, and “doing” is more important than “speaking”. This is why people and their work deserve a great respect. Giuseppe Spezzano was born in South Italy (Locri) and he came to Turin to attend the University Politecnico. In Turin he decided to […]
Il veicolo di investimento che fa capo a NextEnergy Group si concentra sull'innovazione per la sostenibilità
It’s time for a StartuParty, the coolest and amusing event for startuppers (and startups) in Italy! Next 30th of May, in Milan, at FIAT Executive Lounge the third edition of StartuParty will take place, don’t miss it, since it is coming with a great opportunity!! Yesterday, StartuParty team announced a new and exciting partnership […]
We did it! At the first Italian edition of Techcrunch, yesterday 27th of September in Rome, the italic start up ecosystem performed at its best, showing a country ready to compete globally: smart startups, beautiful ideas, wise investors, all people speaking English fluently, a really great location although with heavy network problems (sigh!). Techcrunch Italy […]
La quinta edizione del Premio Italiano della Meccatronica, organizzato e promosso dall’Associazione Industriali di Reggio Emilia, è stata assegnata a Health Robotics, impresa bolzanina leader mondiale nell’automazione per la preparazione delle terapie infusionali. La Giuria ha individuato in Health Robotics “l’azienda che nel 2011 ha perfettamente incarnato i valori su cui si basa il […]
Il MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), l’Università numero uno al mondo (oggi nel ranking mondiale supera Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Caltech e Oxford) rappresenta ancora forse per molti una meta irraggiungibile. Ci credete invece se vi dico che potrebbero bastare un computer, tanta buona volontà e il desiderio di mettersi in gioco per potervi accedere? Non […]
Ecco come i fiondi pubblici europei possono agire efficacemente a sostegno delle startup che fanno innovazione intervenendo nella fase early stage
The contest “99designs loves Italian startups” opens today Italian operations of 99designs, the graphic design marketplace based in San Francisco and Melbourne, that since last August started its expansion in Europe aquiring the Berliner 12designer, establishing headquarter in Berlin, launching the German-language site in September and the French – language site in November. Now is […]
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