Following the successful start of’s incubator programme in 2012, the stage is set for the Data Pioneers Competition 2014. With the support of Deutsche Post DHL, the best innovations could be rewarded with a service contract of up to €100,000. To become part of the incubator programme, aspiring data-driven start-ups can submit […]
While the third day of ArabNet is about to start, Startupbusiness publish a report by Arabnet organization on how the digital tools are impacting the various industries in the Arab countries markets. The ArabNet Digital Summit kicked off on Tuesday March 27, 2012 at the Metropolitan Hotel in Beirut. The five day summit will tackle the latest […]
Il bacino di mentor di UniCredit Start Lab è molto ampio e permette alle startup di entrare in contatto con persone che possono farle crescere
Giada Zhang, 25 anni, cinese di seconda generazione, è la founder e ceo di Mulan Group, società specializzata nel rifornire di piatti pronti orientali 6 mila tra supermercati e ristoranti che sta crescendo a ritmi pazzeschi
European Business Angel Network annual meeting is taking place in Moscow and at the end of the first day of congress EBAN nominated the champions of the year. Next nomination will probably be the new president that will be announced later today. Philippe Gluntz, President of France Angels and business angel affiliated to Paris […]
Chi si occupa di affari e impresa ha spesso inviso la politica, nel migliore dei casi l’ha considerata un ostacolo, nel peggiore un vero e proprio intralcio. Eppure tenere gli occhi aperti su quello che sta capitando di questi tempi alle istituzioni italiane sembra fondamentale per comprendere se l’incertezza legislativa e il rischio politico […]
Video intervista con Almir Ambeskovic, country manager di TheFork, che spiega il segreto dietro la crescita in Italia dell'applicazione prenota ristoranti
Interactive Project, an Italian start-up developing online managerial motor games, announced yestarday to have raised €400k by a group of investors led by LVenture. The startup, which successfully completed the incubation period at EnLabs (a private held Italian incubator), will use the proceeds to finance the international expansion of MyGPTeam, its first managerial browser-based game […]
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