Vertis SGR invests in Blomming

This monday morning starts with a great news: Vertis SGR, an Italian VC and private equity, closed a round of investment in Blomming, outstanding startup in the Italian scene and one of the best social commerce platform in the world. Below an excerpt of the press release, the amount of investment is not disclouese yet. Congratulations to the team!





Vertis Venture, a venture capital fund of Vertis SGR, VC and Private Equity privately held based in Naples, has made ​​a significant investment in the Italian startup Blomming, one of the first social commerce platform of the world, for its ability to develop the Italian economy, especially in the south, and its high potential for international growth.
“The investment will equip the company, founded by Nicola Junior Vitto and Alberto Dottavi, of the resources needed to accelerate the product development and to enlarge the user base and presence in Italy and abroad,” said Matteo Cascinari, partner, angel investor and CEO of Blomming. “In Vertis we found a perfect partner because they share the ambitious growth goals of our project,” he continues. “In the coming months we will open another branch of the companny in the South Italy to host our customer care and a part of the platform development. We are currently trying to identify which areas can provide more than others the expertise we need, such as Ruby developers”.
The investment, one of the most important operations carried out recently in Italy early stage, comes after a first year of operations where Blomming has achieved a high growth in the Italian market. Besides, the startup achieved different awards, such as the National Award for Innovation 2012 and the Gartner mention as Cool Vendor in E-Commerce 2012.




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