TED Talks series Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed Bill Gross has founded a lot of startups, and incubated many others (idealab) — and he got curious about why some succeeded and others failed. So he gathered data from hundreds of companies, his own and other people’s, and ranked each company on […]
How to start a startup series Lecture 10 – Culture (Brian Chesky, Alfred Lin) Brian Chesky, Founder of Airbnb, and Alfred Lin, Former COO of Zappos and Partner at Sequoia Capital discuss how to build a great company culture. …how does one define company culture?…why does it matter? This is a quote from […]
Per la serie “How to start a startup” Lecture 13 – How to be a Great Founder (Reid Hoffman) So you’ve learned how to get started, how to raise money, how to build products, and how to grow. Reid Hoffman, founder of Linkedin and Partner at Greylock Ventures, addresses many of the questions and confusions […]
Informazione pubblicitaria
How to start a startup series Lecture 15 – How to Manage (Ben Horowitz) You are not the only one whom your decisions impact. Ben Horowitz, founder of Andreessen Horowitz and Opsware, discusses this important management perspective that founders miss, with, of course, the gratuitous rap lyric or two sprinkled in. …When you’re making a […]
Y Combinator’s How to start a startup series Lecture 9 – How to Raise Money Panel : Marc Andreessen, Founder of Netscape and Andreessen Horowitz, Ron Conway, Founder of SV Angel, and Parker Conrad, Founder of Zenefits. Two big venture capitalist and a unicorn startup founder explain how the vc world works, what they look for, […]
Italian Angels for Growth ha un nuovo presidente, si tratta di Antonio Leone che subentra a Francesco Marini Clarelli che ha mantenuto la carica fin dal giorno della fondazione del principale gruppo di business angel italiano nato nel 2007. “Il direttivo di Iag mi ha nominato nuovo presidente – spiega Leone a Startupbusiness – a […]
E’ questa, in sintesi, l’approccio all’investimento espresso (in questa intervista realizzata alla Stanford Graduate School of Business) da Doug Leone, Fondatore e Managing Partner di Sequoia Capital. Leone, di origine italiana, parla della sua vita (da immigrato a vc), delle sue motivazioni, della filosofia che ha permesso a Sequoia di raggiungere il successo e rimanere al […]
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