Tomorrow, six startup pitching for angels in Bologna

Tomorrow, December the 2nd in Bologna at Palazzo Malvezzi,  six italian startups will be pitching for angel investor:

Apparati Effimeri (visual design)- Eye-Sky (ICT) – Robotic Fitness Machine – Eikon, open Picus Project (software, interne of things) Xoolab (web)  – Blue Thread (ICT)

The investment forum has been organized by BAN Bologna in partnership with the BAN Lazio, both organisation are local business angels antennas (BAN) united under the umbrella of IBAN Italian Business Angels Network.”

Last year, thanks to the BAN Bologna were closed two important deals: Eugea, a company engaged in green business and urban ecology, and Spreaker, the first social web radio stations, both of which have found investors in Italian Angels for Growth  members, the largest Italian group of informal venture capital investment.
Since 2001 BAN Bologna boasts a total of 5 matching, firms are still active in the market: in addition to Eugea and Spreaker, Achtoons, PS Koala Games and Mobile.


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