The Italian start-ups wave



If you do not know or know a few about the Italian start-up scenario you’ll probably do not know how much the phenomenon is actually developed or how many good ideas, talents and innovative companies are flourishing in the Country.

Well I can understand Italy is probably not the first place that jump in mind when thinking about start-ups: Silicon Valley or Israel are the top choices and in Europe London and Berlin are the spots at the moment, but do not underestimate what is happening in Italy. Don’t do that for many reasons: because the capacity to innovate and develop and create of Italians is something unique, if you know a bit of history you should know it. Don’t do that because in this very specific moment when an epic economical crisis is hitting all big forces: government, industry, banks, universities are converging on the start-up opportunity. Don’t do that because last Saturday we saw a minister, the one in charge of economic development, meeting young entrepreneurs as long as incubators, accelerators, investors, business angels, venture capitalists and what the minister did during this meeting was only one thing: listening. And if you know a bit of Italian history having a minister that listen the needs of an industry, actually a blossoming industry, is quite an event.

Do not underestimate the Italian power of doing start-ups because in these days start-ups in Italy are everywhere: on papers, in the political agenda, on the tables of big tycoons and financial giants, even some mothers are starting to be proud of their kids that are creating new innovative companies instead of searching for the job of life in places like banks or public offices. The real thing to do not underestimate is the change of culture paradigm. We can invest billions of Euros to support the development of innovative start-ups, we can have the most favourable laws to allow new companies to born but all this is useless if there is not a broad acceptance that doing start-ups is cool! And this is the key point, the point that signs the before and the after, the highest point of the hill after it the downhill starts and all become more clear and easy. And this is what is happening in Italy right now, the Country is starting to understand that doing start-ups is a key aspect for the future of the economy and the society, is starting to work to find the best way to support start-uppers and to gain the value from innovative ideas, talents and creativity. Now is the moment in Italy and you’ll see the Italian start-ups and the Italian innovation ecosystem will be more and more present on the international scenario. You know about the Start-up America initiative, the Start-up Chile program, the Start-up Nation book about Israel, you know about the Silicon Valley, the Silicon Alley, the Silicon Roundabout, and you’ll soon know about the ‘Italian way to do start-ups’ and be sure will be something new, will have a new and effective approach, will come with the support of government and big industry, of financial and academic institutions and will bring a new generation of entrepreneurs with ideas in the digital field but also in many others like robotics and new materials, like medical devices and new drugs, like new ways to produce energy and new ways to develop and sell fashion or design or art or tourism.

The Italian wave of innovative start-ups is about to arrive. Be prepared. 


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