L'evento conclusivo di Open-F@b Call4Ideas 2017 (BNP Paribas Cardif), vedrà le finaliste sfidarsi per ottenere il voto di giuria e pubblico
The Italian insurtech company could reach funds of over 1.7 million euros by the end of the year. It has developed AI technology for instant micro policies
An overview of the Italian smart home startups that all insurance companies should know and take into account.
Informazione pubblicitaria
From A - Artificial Intelligence to S - Self driving car , the insurtech glossary you should know to understand the revolution in insurance industry
The trust relationship: this is the fundamental aspect where blockchain will operate to revolutioning the insurance industry.A Coindesk report highlights how innovative technology will improve and what insurances companies are already doing.
Con una tecnologia tutta italiana basata su intelligenza artificiale, la startup italiana insurtech Neosurance continua a conquistare investitori e accelera la sua veloce ascesa nel panorama assicurativo
From Zhong An to Lemonade: up to now the 10 startups listed here raised really a lot of money from venture capital.
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