Smau Berlin, a bridge to connect startups hubs

The first edition of Smau Berlin will take place at Palazzo Italia on March 12th and 13th, 2015. The event will host a programme of four round tables focused on the main aspects about innovation ecosystem in Germany and Italy and will involve entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups and representative of Italian Region Governments. During the first edition of Smau Berlin, that will take place at Palazzo Italia on March 12th and 13th 2015, a programme of four round tables, organized in collaboration with Startupbusiness, and an exhibition area with 50 Italian start-ups will show the main aspects of the Italian innovation ecosystem. The innovation we are talking about comes from all around Italy, from Regions such as Campania, Emilia- Romagna, Lombardy, Tuscany, Calabria, Veneto, and will be grouped after the model of industrial sectors according to the Italian National Technology Clusters: Smart Factory, Life Sciences, Agro-food, Technologies for Smart Communities, Green Chemistry, Aerospace, Technology for Living Environments, and Means and Systems for Surface and Maritime Mobility. As Emil Abirascid, Ceo at Startubusiness says: “Berlin is today the place to be to showcase the best of innovation from Italy to the rest of Europe. The city is rapidly becoming the hub for anyone that wants, from all Europe, to develop innovative companies, to invest in them, to sustain and support them. Bringing together great speakers from Germany and Italy, entrepreneurs, investors, institutions is another challenge we won along with Smau and with the fantastic start-ups that will showcase at Palazzo Italia”. The two-day programme of Smau Berlin will start Thursday at 10.30am with the inaugural conference “SMAU and EXPO 2015: Meet the Made in Italy Innovation ” where representative of Italian Region Governments and German Government will discuss about European investment to increase the value of qualification of territory and the Regional specific sectors of Italian innovation, the relative strategies on the international market through interaction and business networking opportunities with start-ups, spin-offs and innovative SMEs. Among the participant: Pierantonio Macola, Ceo of Smau, Paolo Bonaretti – Director of Aster and Advisor of Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Mattia Corbetta – Technical Secretariat of Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Angelita Luciani – “Industrial research, innovation and technology transfer” Manager, Regione Toscana. At 11.00am the programme will continue with the Round Table “European scenario, why start-up can become the first fully European generation of enterprises” : an overview of state of the start-ups as an engine for creating new entrepreneurs. During the event ten start-ups of services sector will show, in three minutes, their innovations to the audience. Speakers of the second round table are: Fabio Casciotti, Director of ICE, Jan Borgstädt, Bertelsmann, Matteo Pardo, Italian Embassy in Berlin, Giuseppe Russo, Regione Campania, Filippo Giabbani, Invest in Tuscany, Emil Abirascid, Ceo of Startupbusiness and Pierantonio Macola. At 1.30pm the third round table “Investing in start-ups in Italy with an European perspective ” will focus on the benefits of investing in Italian start-ups. Among the participants: Lorenzo Franchini, Co-founder Italian Angels for Growth, Anna Testa, Head of TIM #WCAP Milan, Giovanni Cucchiarato, Jenny.Avvocati, Enrico Venturini, Founder Next Technology, Marco Bicocchi Pichi, Italia Startup and Symbid Italia. During the event, ten start-ups of ICT sector will present themselves in a speed pitching. At 3.30 pm the topic of the third round table “ Investing in start-ups in Germany with an European perspective” will be: doing business in Germany: the ingredients for successful integration and consolidation of the position on the market. Speakers of the round table are Dario Galbiati Alborghetti, Atlantic Internet, Rodrigo Martinez, Point Nine Capital, Mattia Perroni, Houzz, Nico Lumma,, Silvia Foglia, Digitaly, Jürgen Jähnert, Baden Württemberg Connected, Robin Slakhorst, Symbid. During the round table the speed pitching will involve ten start-up of tourism and trade sector. At the end of the first day, from 18.00 to 19.00pm Digitaly, the first tech community of Italians living in Berlin will organize an event focused on online marketing strategies to rapidly growth digital businesses. “Berlin offers great opportunities for international business – declare Silvia Foglia, Co- Founder Digitaly Berlin – and in the past few years has became a meeting point of entrepreneurs from all over the world who come here to meet and learn from other business. What we are doing with DigItaly, the tech community of Italians living in Berlin, is offering to Italians the first place to go when arriving in the city. We regularly organise meet-ups inviting start-ups, VC, journalists, policy makers, founders and more to share their experience and learning with our community. Our next event will take place at the first edition of Smau in Berlin.” The event will followed by a networking party that will feature speakers, exhibitors, investors and all the community of Italian innovative entrepreneurs in Berlin. Second day will develop during the morning hours and it will start with the four round table “Doing business and entrepreneurship in Germany and Italy, what the opportunities by the two markets ” and with the speed pitching of start-up that will present innovations for manufacturing and energy sector, Among the participants on the stage: Andrea Casalini, Eataly, Valentina Grillea, Bwcon GmbH Luca Ravagnan, WISE, Vittorio de Vecchi, Thomas Law Offices. At 12.00 etventure and its Italian partner DPixel will present the” Project Welcome” which aims to connect 5 different major EU ecosystems (Berlin, Dublin, Milan, Madrid and Salamanca) working with local WELCOME partners to identify and engage the most relevant players of the web entrepreneurship ecosystems of Berlin, Dublin, Milan, Madrid and Salamanca (e.g. investors, mentors, corporations, media, successful WEs- welcome entrepreneurs) with prospective, emerging and successful digital start-ups. Smau Berlin will end with the Startup Award, the award ceremony that will declare the most innovative start-ups among those participating at the event. The initiative is aimed at encouraging business and entrepreneurs to find out how start-ups and incubators become today an extraordinary research and development department, indispensable for the innovation of businesses, but also a bridge to the world of research. At the end of each event attendees can have one-to-one meetings in order to go in deep with the more interesting companies and start-ups. The 50 start-ups attendees will also exhibit their products and services in an exhibition area. To make some example there will be a mobile platform dedicated to incoming tourism in Italy, an intelligent management of electrical devices for daily use, an indoor positioning and navigation system for smartphones, an online Department Store of made in Italy goods and much more, a micro-electronic device equipped with UV-C LEDs able to disinfect/sterilize the stethoscope’s membrane automatically, a pharmaceutical app to have easy access to the world of self-medication, a software platform that contains innovative applications for medical ultrasound and much more. The full list of the attending start-ups is available here. (Startupbusiness is co-producer of Smau Berlin)  


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