Sharing economy, prospettiva africana

Tedx Kampala, Uganda, 2015 – Ray Besiga, giovane imprenditore, designer, ingegnere informatico, coder, attivista, fondatore di Sparkplug, offre un talk sulle prospettive che la sharing economy può dare all’Africa sub-sahariana. Dice: Our history suggests that we have always had a sharing culture. It is happening on a small scale each day and with the right technology in place, the volume can grow. Case in point is a shared experience I had with my colleague, Moses Mugisha, CTO at our company Sparkplug, while on a road trip in Bushenyi District, Western Uganda. The farmers in this area do not have enough income to buy a tractor each to till their pieces of farmland. When we asked how they got about it, they intimated that it all came down to community. They formed a trust in which all the farmers contributed to a fund. Once they had accumulated enough, they time-shared a rented tractor over the course of a week for a not-so-great sum. Questa e diverse altre esperienze raccontate nel talk, hanno condotto Ray Besiga allo sviluppo di una piattaforma chiamata Akabbo, una piattaforma di crowdfunding (che accetta pagamenti con sistemi di mobile wallet) per la raccolta anche di piccoli fondi per esigenze personali, dal matrimonio alle cure mediche.   sharing economy uganda


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