
Seeds&Chips is the first international exhibition dedicated to companies and digital startups that are bringing innovation in the agriculture, food & wine industry. Seeds&Chips will take place in Milan, Italy from Thursday 26 March to Sunday 29 March 2015 at the MiCo Convention Center. The exhibit enjoys the patronage of Milan Expo 2015. It will showcase an exhibition area and a series of conferences to present, describe and discuss the issues, models and innovations that are changing the way the food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and depicted. The first two days are reserved for trade professionals (operators, media, investors, organizations); while on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March, Seeds&Chips will be open to the general public. With only one month to go before the opening of Expo 2015, Seeds&Chips aims to introduce and focus on technological solutions that are revolutionizing entire processes and sectors. Innovations that are, above all, the necessary tools to address the issues of sustainability, combating waste, traceability and food safety as well as the means for the survival and development of local micro-enterprises dealing with production, sales and distribution. The Big Players, as well as large international investors and thousands of startups around the world, are creating and moving into the Internet of Food or Food Tech sector. A sector that in the coming years is undoubtedly destined to grow exponentially given that it has a direct impact on the greatest economic global activity and that, at the same time, is a critical component in solving the most important and vital challenge we face: feeding the entire world population which in the next 15 years will increase by a billion people. From precision agriculture to innovation and evolution in the world of hydroponics that will soon be in our homes, apartment buildings and shops; from 3d printers for food to portable molecular sensors which show the content of foodstuffs; from new e-commerce models and platforms for food to the new systems of communication, of promotion and of enhancement of products, territories or production chains; from smart labels to ensure product traceability or to display their content to applications aimed at reducing waste in each step of the supply chain; from cognitive cooking systems to smart kitchens that will make our relationship with the food we have at home easier, safer and often more sustainable. All this accompanied and supported by Big Data or Food Data. The presence of startups alongside large companies and corporations, associations and national & international organizations is extremely significant. These new ventures are generating most of the innovation and revolution in what has been defined Digital Renaissance of Food or New Food Economy. For this reason, a special area has been set aside within the Seeds&Chips exhibition: the Seeding Boxes. The Seeding Boxes are spaces where young innovators and startups can meet established companies and potential investors to submit their ideas and solutions following two paths: in “Seeds call Chips” the startup is looking to meet, whereas in “Chips call Seeds” the big companies and investors set out to look for innovations that can revolutionize or make more efficient certain business models. Seeds&Chips can be a driving force for Expo Milano 2015 just a few weeks before the official opening with the international media’s full attention increasingly focused on Expo and on its contents. Seeds&Chips participants will therefore benefit from boosted visibility, and some will have an opportunity to take part in a series of joint initiatives between Seeds&Chips and Expo Milano 2015.   (featured image credits: Seed Money, teamjenkins)


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