ProxToMe Secures $700K in Seed Funding to Enhance the way Musicians Engage with Concert Go’ers


Immaginate una perfomance di David Guetta, il dj innovatore che ha per primo portato un djset in uno stadio, scatenando folle in delirio. Immaginate questa folla assetata di emozioni, che vuole godere il momento in ogni modalità possibile, costruire ricordi e prendere dall’artista tutto quello che può.

Immaginate che l’artista possa in quell’esatto momento (ma anche poco prima o poco dopo) distribuire a tutta la folla contemporaneamente una lista di brani, una galleria di immagini, magari scattate on stage e in backstage quel giorno, un video, il calendario del tour. Il numero e la tipologia di contenuti sono davvero illimitati e l’utente che riceve tali contenuti è assolutamente ricettivo, quasi indifeso.



ProxToMe, the start-up that developed a iPhone and Android App for distributing content in real-time to users in close proximity, has closed today a $700k round in seed funding led by IAG – Italian Angels for Growth – and followed by other Silicon Valley private investors, just four months after the initial launch of its app. 

 “We see tremendous growth for ProxToMe and have provided this round of funding to accelerate its positioning within the live events industry, starting with the music vertical,” said Enrico Chiapparoli, one of IAG’s representatives in the angel’s consortium. “Today’s launch of the web-based dashboard and of the new app represent a key step in the right direction.” 

The news comes in conjunction with the launch of the new and improved app and web-based dashboard for live performers for an enhanced management of their whole engagement experience with their live fans. The app comes with a completely revised graphic and integrates new features that allow for a much smoother and faster interaction with Facebook contacts and new people nearby. 



“Since our launch four months ago and a strong presence at SXSW, we have received a tremendous amount of interest and feedback from live performers and, more specifically, from the music community: both artists and fans see a clear value in using ProxToMe before, during and after a show” said Carlo Capello, CEO and co-founder of ProxToMe. “To bring the whole experience even more effective today we release an improved version of our App for both iOS and Android platforms and offer live performers a web-based dashboard – a tool to easily build a stronger fans base, the key asset for every artist”. 





ProxToMe provides a proprietary proximity engine allows individuals to identify both known and unknown Facebook users that are using the app within 250 feet both indoor and outdoor. Fans utilizing ProxToMe at live events will automatically become part of the bands contact list and receive content of any type and size such as backstage videos, songs, photos and tickets. Fans will also be able to interact with anyone at the show, both other fans and the band itself, by sending messages and content to other persons at the show. All the content is transferred in the cloud in less than two seconds and is transferred automatically in Dropbox.



ProxToMe dashboard complements the current features found on the app and it helps live performers to increase visibility through fan engagement. This engagement is simple and easily accessed through these (4) simple steps on the dashboard.
1. The performer sets the date/time
2. The Mobile App automatically detects users during the show, collects fan contact information
3. And distributes content during each live performance, allowing performers to engage
4. Back to the dashboard, the performer accesses users’ information and owns a direct link back to them.

Fans can interact with other attendee’s and even the band itself by sending messages and other content. All content is transferred in the cloud within 2 seconds via Dropbox. After each show, live performers will be able to easily watch analytics about their live fans and
keep the interaction further with each of them in order to build a stronger and more effective relationship.

Beta testing is now open to any artist and band manager interested. Among the early artists now taking advantage of ProxToMe are Motel Connection and DJs from Mars who have recently signed for a residency at one of the Hard Rock Hotel clubs in Las Vegas.





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