Mobile start-ups from all the world gather in Milan


Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative will organize tomorrow the event dedicated to innovative start-ups with innovation projects in mobile and mobile services, there will be start-ups from Italy, Uk, Spain, SouthAfrica and United States. All projects are high innovative and high growth ones, once again the Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative presents high quality start-ups teams and projects to the investor community. 

The investment forum on Mobile & Mobility will take place on June 14 at Blend Tower, Piazza IV Novembre, 7, Milan, Italy.

The forum is part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative. This edition is developed in collaboration with the Mobicap Project, which is backed by the European Commission through its Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). 

The Investor Arena Meeting  is aimed at international investors, companies and institutions with an interest in mobile technology. Participants will have a chance to learn about some of the most promising European innovative projects under development (from start-ups, spin-offs, companies, universities and research centers), which were selected and coached by industry experts and business angels to provide the audience with interesting investment and business development opportunities.

If you want to attend, please write an email at [email protected].



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