LuissEnlabs, high-speed train from Rome to Silicon Valley


Rome has a new incubator/accelerator at the second floor of Termini railway station that aims to be the launch pad for new business creation both in a national and international context, facilitating the startup development process in Italy and connections with Silicon Valley and other dynamic areas around the globe. Its name is LuissEnLabs and it is the evolution of a partnership between the incubator Enlabs  and one of the best University in Italy, Luiss Guido Carli . The new accelerator has born thanks to the enthusiastic mind of Luigi Capello, investor and entrepreneur , who succeed in bringing together resources, forces, ideas and get a great result. 

Luigi Capello has great experience in startups investments, he has co-founded the most dinamic Italian group of angels (IAG) and has recently listed his investment vehicle LVenture Group at the Milan Stock Exchange (the first in Italy and perhaps in Europe). A personal way to conceive crowdfunding.
LuissEnLabs (1400sqm) will be the new house for at least 50 startups and will give also co-working spaces. In the project are also involved Wind, Deloitte, SaS, Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato. The space has become already the headquarter of a group of remarkable startups  in Enlabs portfolio, like Qurami, Atooma, Appsbuilder, Bulsara Advertising, CoContest, Codemotion, Gamepix, Interactive Project, Maison Academia, Mindigno, Soundreef, Urlist. Next call for the Acceleration program will select very soon new teams. 
“The accelerator program we offer runs every six months – says Luigi Capello – It is focused in turning an idea into a business and a company. We give startups 30K euros which come from LVenture Group, we give coaching, mentors, matching with investors and a beatiful place where to work. 
Rome is a strategic place for startups creation, it is the widest campus in Europe with over 22 Universities and 300 thousand students, a pool of ideas and talents of great potential value.”


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