Come fare prodotti che piacciono alla gente

How to start a startup series Lecture 7 – How to Build Products Users Love (Kevin Hale) Kevin Hale, Founder of Wufoo and Partner at Y Combinator, explains how to build products that create a passionate user base invested in your startup’s success. …the best way to get to $1 billion is to focus on the values that help you get that first dollar to acquire that first user. If you get that right, everything else will take care of itself. It’s a sort of faith thing… ….acquiring new users as if we are trying to date them, and existing users as if they are a successful marriage… …Human beings are relationship-manufacturing creatures. We cannot help but create, and anthropomorphize, the things we interact with over and over again. Whether it’s the cars we drive, or the clothes we wear, or the tools and softwares we use, we eventually prescribe characteristics to it, a personality, and we expected it to behave a certain way – that’s how we sort of interact with it… …So in software and for most products in Internet software that we use, first impressions are pretty obvious and there are things you see a lot of companies pay attention to in terms of what they send their marketing people to work on…   Full transcription here


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