Italy Cleantech 10 Report: A Lens on Innovative SMEs in Italy

40South Energy, 
Beta Renewables,
Directa Plus, 
Electro Power Systems, 
Personal Factory
and Underground Power have been selected as the to 10 cleantech italian start-ups and innovative companies.

The list has been compiled but Italy Cleantech Network by Cleantech Group that published the “Italy Cleantech 10 Report: A Lens on Innovative SMEs in Italy”.
 Cleantech Group analyzed the compagnie with the participation of a panel of top Italian cleantech investors and companies (such as 360 Capital Partners, Ambienta, Enel, Intesa San Paolo, to name a few), more than 150 nominated Small Medium Enterprise (SME) cleantech companies in Italy were rated, and the top 10 of the most promising are featured.
 Key sections of the report include: An Overview and Characterization of Innovation in Italy; Key Sector Areas of Strength  in Italy (such as Solar, Transportation and Agriculture); The important players in the Italian innovation ecosystem; Profiles of the Italy Cleantech 10.

The report is available here for a free download


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