Italian start-up ecosystem, the ultimate report



Restart Italia! That is the title of the first full report about the start-up and innovation ecosystem in Italy. The report is the result of the work of a 12 members task force named by the Italian Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera who called entrepreneurs, investors, founders of incubators and accelerators to write a document to collect all proposals and possible actions to accelerate the development of the innovative start-ups. The ‘start-up twelve’ did a great job, involved tens other experts to collect suggestions, ideas, opinions and realized the report that was presented yesterday. The report is the ultimate book for the Italian innovation ecosystem because for the first time shows what is happening, what is done so far, what is needed and what are the goals to reach. The document will be soon available also in English and will be downloadable at this link.

The report is also the guideline for the Italian Government that now has the mission to approve a sort of ‘start-up bill’ in order to allow all the ecosystem to have a quantum boost and to make Italy a full ‘start-up friendly’ Country.

The importance of the report is also in its ability to spread the awareness about the need of leverage on human capital, ideas, innovation to renew the Italian economy and to make the future of the Country brighter for all of us starting from the young people with great ideas and skills, that is something that is not missing in Italy.

Now we are all waiting to see how and when the Italian Government will adopt the proposals of the report and make them real tools for all the actors of the ecosystem but in the meanwhile is interesting to give a look to the report to under stand better the real potential of Italian innovative ecosystem (here is another article in English about the report).


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