Italian insurtech, Amyko, a cloud platform for health management

Amyko, a Milan startup won the BNP Paribas Cardif Open-F@b Call4Ideas in 2016, with a wearable device, which is just part of the e-health service being built, thanks also to the partnership with the Company.

Amyko solution consistes of a platform, mobile or web app, associated with a wearable device (a wristband) to share and store all your medical information. Currently, through Amyko, users can manage their own health history (documents, referrals, etc.) and safety by simplifying management through a single platform thanks to a dynamic, customized, simple user experience and with an interactive approach. And many other projects are on the go.

“After winning the 2016 edition of Open-F@b Call4Ideas we have developed an interesting pilot project working closely with the R&D team of BNP Paribas Cardif – Marcello Bonora, CEO  at Amyko said – We have developed further customizations to our product to better meet company demand. It is important for BNP Paribas Cardif to follow the “health care” insurance, trying to develop more than just a simple insurance policy. For example, the connection of our wristband and platform to the policy can create an interaction with users and offer new services for today’s people not so easy to be insured (eg chronic patients), also providing a useful tool for personal safety. BNP Paribas Cardif also wanted to focus on the corporate industry: we are also working on an extension of our wearable solutions, such as the possibility for employees to enter the company, pay with lunch ticket through a unique, secure, innovative and contactless tool and other synergistic solutions that we can’t disclose  right now.”

So where are you in carrying out these projects?

” With BNP Paribas Cardif we are defining the practical implementation of a pilot project on employees at Milan’s headquarters.  The project has given us the opportunity to highlight our development ideas on some of the products and services we want to launch, even before Open-F@b Call4Ideas, and given BNP Paribas Cardif interest in our work, other interesting ideas are on the verge to be presented to the market. We have further developed Amyko’s business-related services, for example, as mentioned above, the use of the access-handling and contactless payment wristband. In addition to the insuranceindustry, over the last few months, we have strengthened our relationship with the banking industry, making Amyko a real contactless payment tool through partnership with Oberthur, the world leader in payment security and chip production. For example, a super-customized version of Amyko, launched in January 2017 exclusively for European use, is already being used by Carrefour Belgium for digital payments “.

Future projects?

“Amyko is evolving into a cloud global health management platform, with an in-depth look at integration between different players, always respecting and complying with the law to protect supersensitive data. With the launch of the new app, the platform has become even more customized by the several healthcare partners. We are also looking at the integrated home care sector: Amyko platform, the app, the use of NFC tags can in fact apply to the caregivers who assist people who need home care. Amyko and its system support the management of the check-in and check-out of the operators, thus optimizing control of the care given, and offers the possibility for family members to be always aware of events occurring to their loved ones. In addition to the e-health field, our company is also moving transversally to the “pet world” where traceability of veterinary and zootechnical information is scarcely digitalized today. It is just the application of our knowledge to the field of digital health, from the human to the animal “world”. We are developing very interesting animal husbandry projects in partnership with foreign governments “.

To date, Amyko has received investment from venture capital funds for 560,000 euros.

originally published by InsuranceUp


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