Italian Innovation Day : why Italy matters to the world

Italian Innovation Day is the new mission that brings to US market a select group of startups and Italian SMEs, representing the best innovation produced in our country.

The initiative, promoted by Mind the Bridge, Intesa Sanpaolo and Booz & Co, is divided into two events: on March 31 in Silicon Valley (at Stanford University) and May 5 in the Big Apple, New York City.

The aim of Italian Innovation Day is to provide the selected group of Italian companies a great opportunity of visibility to about 250 people (VCs and investors of various types, academics, researchers, managers of large companies); this visibility, duly exploited, can represent a great opportunity to start partnerships and agreements for business development, earn an “I Like” by investors from overseas, otherwise difficult to reach.

For startups and SMEs, seeking to reach the U.S. market on their own, beyond the success of some specific cases, it means most of the time literally go into the fray, losing time and money chasing the American dream into reality:  in Silicon Valley, it’s not enough just to be there, you’d better to meet the right people and be introduced to them with the endorsement of a bigger fish, in this case the “label”  Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative and Mind the Bridge Foundation is an excellent card.

The 12 startups that will be attending the two events come from Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative and Mind the Bridge business plan competition and are: Agroils, Minteos, Glossom, Super Saver, PorcoVino, Fubles, VisualSport, Xapio, Skips, lust, Moppap, 2SN, Kitenrg, eRalos3.

In addition to offering new concrete possibilities to specific companies, Italian Innovation Day aims to raise the more general view of Italian industrial and technological innovation, giving them visibility in academia, in business and at the opinion leaders.
The meeting in Silicon Valley has found the organizational support of BAIA, the sponsorship of M31-USA and Stanford University, the media partnership of Corriere della and Startupbusiness, the italian business network of innovators.


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