Investors in Milan, a Practical Startup Ecosystem Guide

Indice degli argomenti

The segment of investors in an essential and vital segment in a city’s startup ecosystem. This segment plays a crucial role in the development of the startup ecosystem of Milan. Within the startup ecosystem of Milan, investors fuel the startup ecosystem not only by investing money, but also with the investment of time, contacts, education and skills. Their contribution and importance is not just limited to money. How startups can raise money in the ecosystem of Milan: Angel Investors & Angel Networks Bootstrapping Competitions, Contests & Showcases Crowdfunding Family & Friends Governments Incubators & Accelerators Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital & Private Equity The different types of categories of investors have different roles within the startup ecosystem of Milan. They invest varied amounts of money and invest in various sized startups in different phases.

Roles of the segment:

  Angel Investors & Angel Networks Angel investors invest in very early stage startups or entrepreneurs. Often angel investors are high net worth individuals and are usually amongst the startup founders’ family or friends. They provide money to support the development of the business in return for equity. Angel investors usually use their own money, yet the money may come from a business entity or investment fund. In the startup ecosystem of Milan angel investors play a vital role in the very early stage development of startups, with their investment. Angel networks are groups of angel investors which usually pool capital together. Angel networks in Milan play an important role, as they enable large pools of capital and provide varied professional expertise and skillsets which can strongly develop startups and SMEs.   Bootstrapping Bootstrapping is when the startup founder invests his or her own money to start and develop his or her startup. The investment comes from his or her own personal finances and perhaps the revenues of the startup. Bootstrapping usually occurs in the very early stage of a startup. Bootstrapping is a viable financing option for a startup within the startup ecosystem of Milan, if the individual has sufficient personal finances to invest in the startup.   Competitions, Contests & Showcases Competitions, Contests & Showcases are options for the financing of startups within the startup ecosystem of Milan. Competitions, contests and showcases enable startups to compete for funding for the development and growth of their startups. Showcases are events in which people showcase their startups to investors.   Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is the use of capital from a large number of people online to finance a startup. Crowdfunding has the potential to develop large amounts of capital for the development of a new startup. A crowdfunding online platform enables people to place their startup projects online and enables people to invest online on the website. There are four types of crowdfunding websites including equity based, reward based, donation based and lending based. Equity based is the most popular form of financing of startups as it enables startups to raise money and gives investors the opportunity to earn equity.   Family & Friends Family and friends are options that can potentially provide investment for startups. If family and friends are options that are utilized to fund a startup, the investment and its agreement has to be completed professionally and legally.   Governments Various levels of government have an impact on the development and growth on the startup ecosystem of Milan. The European Union, Regione Lombardia, Camera di Commercio and Comune di Milano play very important roles in the development of the startup ecosystem of Milan by providing investment for developing and growing startups in Milan.   Incubators & Accelerators The startup incubators and accelerators in Milan play a vital role in the startup ecosystem of Milan and its development. Startup incubators and accelerators within Milan fuel the startup ecosystem by investing skillsets, time, contacts and office space. Some provide investment to develop Italian and also international startups.   Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital & Private Equity Venture capital is a form of financing by venture capital firms for startups, scaleups and SME’s. Venture capital usually comes from high net worth individuals and financial institutions that pool together partnerships and investments. Corporate venture capital is a form of venture capital conducted by non-financial firms, by corporates which invest in selected targeted startups. The investments are usually not only financial interests, yet are more so strategic goals in developing new or complementary businesses within which the startup is active. Private equity is made up of funds and investors that invest in private companies and buyouts of public companies. The capital funds new technologies, make acquisitions and increase business capital.  

Investors in Milan by Category (Alphabetical Order):


Angel Investors & Angel Networks:

  Name: Angel Partner Group Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Angel Partner Group is an angel network made up of professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and corporates. Website:     Name: Angellist Type: Website to find Angel Investors Brief Description: Angellist is a leading startup website, which enables you to find startup jobs, recruit talent, find investment, investors and startups. You can search for investors by location and by stage. Website:     Name: BAE Business Angels Europe Type: Business Angel Association Brief Description: BAE Business Angels Europe is The European Confederation for angel investing. The Italian Business Angels Network Association (IBAN) is a member of BAE. Website:     Name: Club Degli Investitori Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Club Degli Investitori is an angel network that invests in innovative Italian companies. Website:     Name: Club Digitale Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Club Digitale is an angel network that invests in innovative startups in Italy. It is affiliated with some of the finest accelerators in Italy. Website:     Name: Custodi di successo Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Custodi di Successo is an angel network that invests in innovative Italian startups. Website:     Name: Italian Angels for Biotech Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Italian Angels for Biotech is an angel network comprised of people that have significant experience in the life science sector. Italian Angels for Biotech invests in life science sectors startups in Italy. Website:     Name: Italian Angels for Growth (IAG) Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Italian Angels for Growth (IAG) is a leading angel network in Italy that is comprised of 120 members. IAG invests in projects in the early-stage that have a high level of innovation and potential for success. It supports entrepreneurship, innovation and research. IAG has its headquarters in Milan. It is a member of Business Angels Europe (BAE). Website:   Name: Italian Business Angels Network Association (IBAN) Type: Business Angel Association Brief Description: Italian Business Angels Network Association is a business angel association in Italy that supports and develops angel investing in Italy. It runs important projects such as Project 4WAE and 5 Per Mille. Website:   Name: Siamosoci Type: Angel Network Brief Description: Siamosoci is an angel network that invests in innovative Italian startups. The search of startups on the Siamosoci website can be conducted by keywords, area and sector. Website:   Name: Startup Xplore Type: Website to find Angel Investors Brief Description: Startup Xplore enables startups to find investors and discover new talent. It enables investors to get personalized dealflow. Website:   Name: Waba Capital Type: Angel Network Brief Description: WABA Capital is an angel network that invests in innovative technology startups in Italy in the sectors of consumer goods, food and beverages, fashion, ICT (Smart Working), healthcare and wearables, travel and tourism, media and entertainment and social economy. Website:     Bootstrapping:   Bootstrapping is a form of investing in which a startup founder invests his or her own money to develop a startup.  The investment can come from his or her own personal finances and the revenues from the startup. Bootstrapping is a viable financing option for a startup in the startup ecosystem of Milan if the individual has sufficient personal finances to invest in the startup. The so called three Fs formula: Family, Friends and Fools is part of the Bootstrapping and lately this formula evolved in a four Fs model with the addition of Fans.  

Competitions, Contests & Showcases:

  Competitions, Contents & Showcases for investment in the startup ecosystem of Milan are best identified and explained in the following links.   Name: Agenda Digitale – Eventi Type: Online News Website & Events Website. Brief Description: Agenda Digitale is a leading online news website for digital and innovation news in Italy. Agenda Digitale has an event’s section on its website, which is a good source for searching for competitions, contests and showcases. Website:     Name: Digital District Milan – Events Type: Startup Community & Events Website. Brief Description: Digital District Milan – Events is a good source for finding competitions, contests and showcases in the startup ecosystem of Milan. Website:     Name: EconomyUp – Eventi Startup Type: Online News Website & Events Website. Brief Description: EconomyUp is a leading Italian online news website regarding digital, innovation and open innovation news. Its Eventi Startup section is a good source for scouting competitions, contests and showcases in Milan. Website:     Name: Eventbrite Type: Events Website. Brief Description: Eventbrite is a leading events website in Milan, which is a good source for finding startup competitions, contests and startup showcases in Milan. Website:     Name: Eventful Milan Type: Events Website. Brief Description: Eventful is a leading events website that is a good source for discovering startup competitions, contests and startup showcases in Milan. Website:     Name: F6S Type: Founder Community & Event Website. Brief Description: F6S enables people to apply to startup programs, accelerators, funds, jobs and benefits. It enables the searching of events including competitions, contests and showcases. Website:     Name: Startup Digest by Techstars Type: Online News Website & Events Website Brief Description: Startup Digest by Techstars is a leading startups news and events website that present in many cities. Startup Digest is a good source that can be utilized to find startup competitions, contests and startup showcases in Milan. Website:     Name: Startupbusiness Events Type: Online News Website & Events Website Brief Description: Startupbusiness is a leading social business network and online magazine regarding the Italian innovation ecosystem community. Startupbusiness’ events section is a good source for finding startup competitions, contests and startup showcases in Milan. Website:    


Name: 200Crowd Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: Two hundred is an Equity Crowdfunding platform that allows the meeting of entrepreneurs and investors. The investment through Two hundred is free and accessible to anyone, directly online and possible from  € 500. Website:     Name: Assiteca Crowd Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: Assiteca Crowd is an equity crowdfunding platform, which enables innovative startups raise capital online. Website:     Name: C4C Crowd 4 Capital Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: A crowdfunding website in which investors and startups can register. This crowdfunding website is run by Rome Venture Consulting. Website:     Name: Club Deal Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: An online crowdfunding website which aims to find the highest potential startups in Italy and showcase them online. Website:     Name: COFYP Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: A website for the crowdfunding of innovative startups and SME’s. Website:     Name: Crowdfundme Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: An efficient and easy to navigate equity crowdfunding website for startups. Website:   Name: Eppela Type: Crowdfunding Brief Description: One of Italy’s largest crowdfunding websites that has funded over 3,000 projects. The well designed easy to use crowdfunding website is offered in English and Italian. Website:   Name: Equinvest Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: A well laid out equity crowdfunding website that showcases startups by function, capital amount to be invested, equity and sector. Website:     Name: Kickstarter Italy Type: Crowdfunding Brief Description: Kickstarter is based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, U.S.A. The enormous crowdfunding website enables people in many countries to develop their crowdfunding campaigns and invest in crowdfunding campaigns, including in Italy. The search section can be edited to find projects in Italy. Website:     Name: Mamacrowd Type: Crowdfunding Brief Description: Mamacrowd is one of Italy’s biggest crowdfunding platforms. This well-designed crowdfunding platform run by Siamosoci enables people to deliver projects to be funded and also enables people to invest in active startup projects on the website. Active projects, coming soon projects and closed projects can be seen on the website. Website:     Name: Musicraiser Type: Crowdfunding Brief Description: A crowdfunding website specific for music projects. The crowdfunding website has enabled 4 million euros of funding for music projects in more than 1,100 projects. Website:     Name: Next Equity Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: A crowdfunding marketplace website that enables the funding of innovative startups and SME’s. Website:     Name: Opstart Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: An equity crowdfunding website that enables the funding of innovative startups. Website:     Name: Produzioni dal Basso PdB Type: Crowdfunding Brief Description: A crowdfunding website that has enabled 5 million euros of funding for over 2,000 ideas, stories and projects. Website:     Name: Starsup Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: One of Italy’s biggest crowdfunding websites funding innovative startups. A very easy to navigate website that is well explained. Website:       Name: Walliance Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: A crowdfunding platform for property projects. Website:     Name: WeAreStarting Type: Equity Crowdfunding Brief Description: An equity crowdfunding website that invests in innovative Italian startups. The website is in English and Italian. The website explains the crowdfunding process in Italy very well. Website:     Useful Website for the Crowdfunding Category:     Name: Consob (Commissione Nazionale per le societa e la borsa) Type: National Commission Brief Description: Consob is the public authority organization that is responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets. It regulates crowdfunding websites in Italy. Website:     Family & Friends: Family and friends are options that can potentially provide funding for startups. The funding and its agreement has to be completed professionally and legally (see also: Bootstrapping)  


  Name: European Commission Type: European Government Brief Description: The European Commission has a large variety of funding opportunities for startups and SME’s. The Startup Europe One Stop Shop is a good source to find out about the large variety of European Commission funding opportunities. Examples of European Commission funding opportunities that can be found on the source, include the EASME Support for SME and Startups, European Investment Bank, The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) for, SME, SME Instrument, EUREKA, and many more. Website:     Name: National Italian Government Type: National Government Brief Description: The National Italian Government provides many funding opportunities for startups and SME’s in Italy. Its main sources of funding include Invitalia, Invitalia SGR and Smart&Start. Website: Invitalia: Invitalia SGR: Smart & Start Italia:   Name: Regione Lombardia Type: Regional Government Brief Description: Regione Lombardia, the Regional Government provides a large amount of funding opportunities for startups and SME’s in the region of Lombardy, including Milan. The main sources to find Regione Lombardia funding opportunities can be found below. Website: Regione Lombardia: Aziende (Companies): Regione Lombardia: Bandi (Calls): Regione Lombardia: SiAge Sistema Agevolazioni: Regione Lombardia: Accesso al credito (Access to credit): Regione Lombardia: Manuale (Manual): Regione Lombardia: Finlombarda: Regione Lombardia: Finanziamenti Online:     Name: Comune di Milano Type: City Government of Milan Brief Description: The Comune di Milano provides a large amount of funding opportunities for startups and SME’s in Milan as well as a variety of services. From 2012 – 2016, the Comune di Milano provided more than €5 million of investment to support and finance startups in Milan. The source below shows the Comune di Milano open calls which includes the investments for startups and SME’s. Website: The Comune di Milano: Bandi Aperti (Open Calls):     Name: Camera di Commercio di Milano (Chamber of Commerce of Milan) Type: Chamber of Commerce Brief Description: The Chamber of Commerce of Milan is a public body that performs functions for the general interest for the business system. It develops the local business economy. It conducts administration services, such as the Company Register, promotional services local data and market regulatory functions. It provides a large amount of funding opportunities for startups and SME’s in Milan. Websites: Camera di Commercio di Milano – Cerca un finanziamento Camera di Commercio di Milano – Contributi e finanziamenti Camera di Commercio di Milano – Sostengo per la mia impresa Camera di Commercio di Milano – Strumenti per il credito Formaper – Bandi Servizi e finanziamenti PROMOS – Bandi e Finanziamenti    

Incubators & Accelerators:

Various incubators and accelerators in Milan invest in startups. Refer to the article below published earlier on Startupbusiness to search the incubators and accelerators that invest in startups in Milan: ‘Practical Startup Ecosystem Guide in Milan: Incubators & Accelerators’.  

Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital & Private Equity:

Name: 21 Investimenti Type: Private Equity Brief Description: 21 Investimenti is part of 21 Partners Group which is comprised of firms in Italy, France and Poland. It invests in and buys out industrial medium sized Italian companies. 21 Investimenti has offices in Milan and Treviso. Website:     Name: 360 Capital Partners Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: 360 Capital Partners invests in innovative startups, mainly in the industries of E-commerce, ICT/Digital, Industrial Technologies and Medical Devices. 360 Capital Partners invests in Europe, specifically in France and Italy. Website:     Name: A.M.E. Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: A.M.E. Ventures is a venture capital firm that specifies in the investment of service sector companies, technology applied to design companies and renewable energy, in particular solar energy. Website:     Name: Ad4Ventures Type: Corporate Venture Capital Brief Description: Ad4Ventures is the corporate venture capital firm of Mediaset group. It has offices in Milan and Madrid and invests in mi-stage private companies. Website:     Name: Advam Partners Type: Advisory & Asset Management Brief Description: Advam Partners conducts a large variety of advisory, asset management and investment services. One of the many services that Advam Partners provides is investment for small and medium Italian businesses for development and growth. Website:     Name: Agos Soditic Italia Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Agos Soditic is a European private equity group that supports buyouts of startups and SME’s that have a turnover of €20 million to €600 million. Agos Soditic invests across all industries. It has 5 offices in Europe, including Milan, Paris, Geneva, Brussels and Frankfurt. Website:     Name: Aksia Group SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Aksia Group SGR specializes in private equity investments in small and medium Italian companies. Website:     Name: Alice Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Alice Ventures is a venture capital firm that invests in life sciences, semiconductors and information, and communication technologies. It has offices in Milan, Israel and the UK. Website:     Name: Alpha Associati Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Alpha Associati is a private equity firm that specializes in mid-market buyouts. Its main investment focus is Italy, France, Germany, Benelux and Switzerland. It has conducted over 130 transactions in Europe, in all industries. Website:     Name: Alto Partners SGR Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: Alto Partners SGR manages private equity funds dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in Italy. It invests in mature or consolidated companies. Website:     Name: Ambienta Type: Private equity Fund Brief Description: Abienta is a private equity fund that specializes in environmentally sustainable businesses, resource efficiency and pollution control. The fund has offices in Milan, Dusseldorf and London. Website:     Name: Angel Capital Management Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Angel Capital Management invests in small and medium Italian companies in the food, beverage, restaurant, fashion and digital sectors. Website:     Name: Antares Type: Private equity. Brief Description: Antares is a private equity firm that invests in small and medium Italian enterprises that have revenues between €10 million to €100 million. Website:     Name: Ardian Type: Private Equity & Asset Management. Brief Description: Ardian covers funds, mandates, private debt infrastructure and real estate. Ardian covers mid cap buyouts in Europe and North America. Ardian supports and develops companies through Ardian Expansion, Ardian Growth and Co-Investment. Ardian has 12 offices in North America, Asia and Europe including an office in Milan. Website:     Name: Assietta Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: Assietta provides capital to companies to support the growth and development small and medium sized Italian manufacturing companies. Website:     Name: Aster Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Aster Capital is an independent venture capital firm that manages funds from large European corporations and institutional investors. It specializes in the investment of energy, advanced materials, smart transportation and IoT. Website:     Name: Augens Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Augens Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in all industries yet aims to invest on the core industries of Italian businesses including automotive, fashion and food. It invests in companies that have a solid foundation in a recognized brand, competitive advantaged technology, skills or consolidated relationships with its clients. Website:     Name: Barcamper Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Barcamper Ventures is a venture capital associated with Primomiglio SGR. Barcamper Ventures invests in a variety of sectors including digital fabrication, blockchain, marketing automation, e-commerce, fintech, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and much more. Website:     Name: Berrier Capital Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Berrier Capital is a private equity firm that invests in small and medium Italian companies. It specializes in Made in Italy Products, such as machinery, mechanical products, luxury and life-style goods, food and beverage, services and consumer goods. Website:     Name: Bridgepoint Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: Bridgepoint is a private equity fund that invests internationally in market-leading businesses, valued up to €1 billion, in a large variety of industries. Bridgepoint has a large presence in every major private equity market in Europe. It has 8 offices throughout Europe and in Shanghai, China. Website:     Name: Cabot Square Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Cabot Square Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in small and medium sized companies in the UK and Western Europe. Website:     Name: Charme Capital Partners SGR Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: Charme Capital Partners SGR invests in businesses across Europe valued from €100 million to €500 million. Charme Capital Partners SGR has offices in Milan, London and Madrid. Website:     Name: Cinven Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Cinven is a private equity firm that manages funds that acquires European companies. Cinven invests in businesses in North America. It has offices in London, Frankfurt, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, New York and Paris. Website:     Name: Clessidra SGR Type: Private equity Brief Description: Clessidra SGR invests in small and medium sized Italian companies that are family-owned businesses, companies in fragmented segments, Made in Italy companies and spin-offs of industrial and financial groups. Website:     Name: Club Italia Investimenti 2 Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Club Italia Investimenti 2 is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative Italian startups. It is an investment vehicle that enables startups to more easily access investment sources from itself and from its investment partners. Website:     Name: Consilium SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Consilium SGR is a private equity firm that invests in Italian small and medium companies. Website:     Name: CVC Capital Partners Type: Private Equity Brief Description: CVC Capital Partners is a private equity firm that has offices throughout Europe, Asia and the U.S. Website:     Name: Doughty Hanson & Co. Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Doughty Hanson & Co. is a private equity firm that has invested over 60 companies in a number of industries. Website:     Name: Dvr Capital Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Dvr Capital conducts M&A Advisory, Financing & Restructuring, Real Estate Investment and Private Equity. DVR Capital Private Equity invests in medium and large sized companies in Italy. Website:     Name: Earlybird Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Earlybird is an international venture capital firm that invests in a variety of stages of startups. It invests €250,000 to €10 million in technology startups and health technology startups. It invests across Europe and in America. Website:     Name: Embed Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Embed Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative companies in the industries of industrials, technology, environment, services, retail and social. Website:     Name: Emisys Capital Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Emisys Capital is a private equity and private debt firm that invests in small and medium Italian companies that have revenues from €20 million to €150 million. Website:     Name: F2i SGR Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: F2i SGR is a private equity fund that invests in infrastructure projects such as airports, highways, gas distribution, integrated water services, TLC, renewable energies, local public services and social infrastructures. Website:     Name: Finlombarda Gestoni SGR Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Finlombarda Gestoni SGR is affiliated to Finlombarda SPA. Finlombarda Gestoni SGR has the public-private venture capital fund, NEXT which invests in innovative companies that develop new technologies. It has the EUROMED venture capital fund which invests in companies that are wanting to start in Northern Africa or expand into Northern Africa. Website:     Name: Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR Type: Management Company Brief Description: Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR manages 5 investment funds. One of the funds, The Fondo Italiano d’Investimento Fund invests directly in Italian small and medium companies that have a turnover from €10 million to €250 million. The remaining 4 funds include the Fondo Italiano d’Investmento Fund of Funds, FII Venture, Private Debt and Venture Capital. Website:     Name: Futurimpresa SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Futurimpresa SGR conducts private equity and private debt for small and medium enterprises in Italy. Futurimpresa invests in Italian companies that have technological innovations, distinctive brands, know-how or Made in Italy products. Website:     Name: Futura Invest Type: Private Equity Fund Brief Description: Futura Invest is a private equity fund that invests in small and medium companies for support, development and growth. Website:     Name: Genextra Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Genextra invests in innovative companies with strong science in Italy. Website:     Name: growITup Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: growITup is a fund created by Cariplo Factory in partnership with Microsoft that has a venture capital fund. The venture capital fund invests in post-seed startups in the digital sector. Website:   Name: H.I.G. Europe Type: Private Equity Brief Description: H.I.G. Europe is a private equity fund that invests in the small and medium sized companies. H.I.G. Europe has offices in London, Hamburg, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan and Paris. Website:     Name: HAT – Holding All Together Type: Private Equity Brief Description: HAT – Holding All Together is a private equity firm that invests in small and medium companies in Italy in the industries of industrials, commercial and services. Website:     Name: IGI SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: IGI SGR is a private equity company that invests in small and medium Italian companies. It has invested in roughly 60 small and medium sized Italian companies. Website:     Name: IMI Fondi Chiusi Type: Management Company Fund Brief Description: IMI Fondi Chiusi conducts private equity and venture capital. The venture capital funds include Atlante Ventures, Atlante Ventures Midsummer and Atlante Seed which invests in small and medium sized enterprises for development and growth. IMI Fondi Chiusi is a part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. Website:     Name: Innogest Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Innogest is a venture capital firm that invests in digital and medtech companies. It invests in seed and early stage ventures. Innogest has offices in Torino, Milan and San Francisco. Website:     Name: Italeaf Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Italeaf is a venture capital firm and research organization that invests in the clean-tech field and the high-tech field. Website:     Name: L Catterton Europe Type: Private Equity Brief Description: L Catterton Europe is a private equity firm that specializes in the investment of consumer product companies in buyouts and growth investments. Website:     Name: Lventure Group Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Lventure Group is a Venture Capital firm from Rome that invests in digital startups in Italy. Lventure Group specializes in micro seed investments and seed investments in digital startups. Website:     Name: Mandarin Capital Partners Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Mandarin Capital Partners is a venture capital firm that invests in medium sized European companies. It specializes in the investment of medium sized European companies that have a strong potential for the Chinese market. It has offices in Milan, Frankfurt, Shanghai and Beijing. Website:     Name: Meta Group Type: Venture Capital, Mentoring & Consulting Brief Description: Meta Group is comprised of a venture capital firm, Meta Investment, entrepreneurial mentoring and innovation consulting. Meta Investment invests in high growth, early stage startups across Europe. Meta Investment is comprised of 8 funds in Italy, Slovenia and Poland and is categorized into three categories including its science funds, angel funds and regional funds. Meta Investment is a part of Meta Group. Website:     Name: MGH7 Venture Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: MGH7 Venture Capital invests in small and medium Italian companies in the lifestyle business sector, including tourism, fashion, sport, food, design, digital media and ICT/Hi-tech. Website:       Name: Milano Venture Company Group Type: Holding Company Brief Description: Milan Venture Company invests in small and medium companies in Italy. Website:     Name: Mind The Seed Venture Partners Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Mind The Seed Ventures Partners is a venture capital firm that operates the Mind The Seed Fund. It is affiliated with Mind The Bridge and Startup Europe Partnership. It is located in San Francisco and invests in American and European startups. Website:   Name: Mittel Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Mittel conducts private equity, advisory and real estate investment and development. Its private equity invests in small and medium enterprises in Italy Website:     Name: Motion Equity Partners Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Motion Equity Partners conducts European buyouts of medium to large companies in Italy and France. It invests in the sectors of business services, healthcare, food and beverage, media, retail and leisure. Website:     Name: Oltre Venture Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Oltre Venture invests in enterprises that pursue innovation and social impact. Website:     Name: Oxy Capital Italia Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Oxy Capital Italia is a venture capital firm that invests in small and medium companies in Italy and Portugal. Website:     Name: P101 Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: P101 is a venture capital firm that specializes in early stage investments from €500,000 to €5 million in digital companies. Website:     Name: PAI Partners Type: Private Equity Brief Description: PAI Partners is a Private Equity firm that invests in companies in the industries of business services, food and consumer, general industrials, healthcare, retail and distribution. It has 8 offices throughout Europe and North America. Website:     Name: Panakes Partners Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Panakes Partners is a venture capital firm that specializes in the investment of medical companies, early stage startups and small and medium companies in Europe and in Israel. Website:     Name: Partners Group Type: Investment Management Firm Brief Description: Partners Group Milan branch is a part of Partners Group. Partners Group has 19 offices in Europe including Milan, Asia, North America and South America. Website:     Name: Prana Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Prana Ventures invests in small and medium Italian businesses that have an element of high technical innovation. Website:     Name: Principia SGR Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Principia SGR is a venture capital firm that specializes in the investment in digital, healthcare, fashion, design and creative startups and small and medium enterprises. Website:     Name: Private Equity Partners SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Private Equity Partners SGR is a private equity firm that invests in small Italian companies, yet mainly in medium and large Italian companies willing to internationalize. It has offices in Milan, Warsaw, Moscow, Mumbai, Shanghai and Sao Paolo. Website:     Name: Progressio SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Progressio SGR is a private equity firm that invests in medium sized Italian companies that have revenues between €30 million to €150 million annually. It specializes in the industries of mechanical engineering, fashion and luxury, pharma and chemicals and food and beverage. Website:     Name: Quadrivio Capital SGR Type: Asset Management Brief Description: Quadrivio manages and operates private equity, venture capital, clean energy investment, impact investments, private debt and funds of funds. Its private equity invests in small and medium sized Italian companies that have high potential for growth. Its venture capital is run by TT Ventures, which invests in innovation and technology companies in Italy. Website:     Name: R-301 Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: R-301 Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in early and late stage web and mobile technology businesses. It typically invests €100,000 to €400,000. Website:     Name: Redseed Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Redseed Ventures is a venture capital firm that invests in digital companies. Redseed Ventures has offices in Milan and Pesaro. Website:     Name: REInventures Type: Corporate Venture Capital Brief Description: REInventure is run by Gruppo Espresso and Innogest. It invests from seed investment to late stage investment in Italian startups. It invests in startups in the sectors of digital media, e-commerce, media technologies, social and mobile media, advertising technologies, marketing services and digital enablers. Website:     Name: RiverRock European Capital Partners Type: Alternative investment firm. Brief Description: RiverRock European Capital Partners provides innovative capital investments to small and medium sized European companies. It has offices in Milan, Paris and London. Website:     Name: Sator Private Equity Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Sator Private Equity invests in mainly family owned businesses in Italy and France. Website:     Name: Spiarex Investimenti 2 – Insec Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Siparex Investimenti 2 – Insec is a private equity firm that invests in small and medium sized Italian companies. Website:     Name: Star Capital Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Star Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in Italian small and medium companies. Website:     Name: Style Capital SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Style Capital SGR is a private equity firm that invests in small and medium Italian companies. Website:     Name: Synergo Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Synergo is a private equity firm that manages 3 funds. Synergo invests between €20 to €50 million in companies. Website:     Name: Tamburi Investment Partners Type: Merchant Bank Brief Description: Tamburi Investment Partners invests in medium sized Italian companies. Website:     Name: Tech Silu Type: International association Brief Description: Tech Silu – says on its website – is an International Association which operates at the highest institutional levels and on several investment markets for deploying synergies between European and Asian startup ecosystem. Website:     Name: Telecom Italia Ventures (TIM Ventures) Type: Corporate Venture Capital Brief Description: Telecom Italia Ventures is the corporate venture capital firm of Telecom Italia. Telecom Italia Ventures invests in digital startups in Italy and other European countries. Website:     Name: Unicredit EVO (Equity Venture Opportunities) Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Unicredit Group and Anthemis Group have developed Unicredit EVO that invests in mid stage startups and mature fintech businesses. Website:     Name: United Ventures Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: United Ventures is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative digital startups. Website:     Name: Vela Imprese Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Vela Imprese is a private equity firm that invests in Italian startups. Website:     Name: Vertis SGR Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Vertis SGR is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative Made in Italy and high tech European companies. Website:     Name: Wise SGR Type: Private Equity Brief Description: Wise SGR is a private equity firm that invests between €5 million to €20 million in small and medium Italian companies that have sales from €20 million to €100 million, specifically in the industries of manufacturing and services and instrumental goods for manufacturing. Website:     Name: Withfounders Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Withfounders is a group of entrepreneurs investing in seed rounds on promising startups. The aim of Withfounders is to offer not only the capital but also all the industrial, management, market support in order to foster and accelerate the development. Website:     Name: Xandas Type: Venture Capital Brief Description: Xandas is a venture capital firm that invests seed capital in digital startups in Italy. Website:       Useful Websites for the Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital & Private Equity Category:     Name: AIFI Brief Description: AIFI is the Italian Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt Association in Italy. It promotes, develops and represents the private equity, venture capital and private debt firms in Italy. Website:     Name: AIFI & Fondo Italiano d’Investimento – VentureUp Brief Description: AIFI & Fondi Italiano d’Investmento have created the project VentureUp, which develops the Italian startup ecosystem and venture capital ecosystem. The website includes important documents including business plan and tax and legal documents, news and information on the Italian startup ecosystem. VentureUp enables startups and venture capitalists to more so easily meet on its online marketplace. Website:     Name: Assogestioni Brief Description: Assogestioni is the association of the Italian investment management industry and represents the vast majority of Italian and foreign investment management companies in Italy. Website:     Name: Banca D’Italia (Bank of Italy) Brief Description: The Bank of Italy is the central bank of Italy. It is a part of the Eurosystem, comprised of national central banks in Europe and the European Central Bank. Website:     Name: Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange) Brief Description: Borsa Italiana is the Italian Stock Exchange and is responsible for the organization and functioning of the financial markets in Italy. It is a part of the London Stock Exchange Group. Website:     Name: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Brief Description: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is the National Promotional Institution. It is a joint-stock company that is under public control and the major shareholder is The Italian National Government Ministry of Economy and Finance. The headquarters of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is in Rome.  It runs the fund, Fondo Strategico Italiano. Website:     Name: Consob (Commissione Nazionale per le societa e la borsa) Brief Description: Consob is the public authority organization that is responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets. Website:     Name: ELITE Brief Description: ELITE is a program run by the Borsa Italiana and the London Stock Exchange Group designed to assist SME’s to prepare and structure for growth. ELITE provides access to financing opportunities and education. ELITE has an enormous community in Europe, comprised of more than 600 companies and more than 100 investors. Website:       Useful Websites regarding Investors:     Name: CB Insights Brief Description: CB Insights is a leading tech market platform which analyzes enormous amounts of data on venture capital, startups, patents and partnerships. Website:     Name: Crunchbase Brief Description: Crunchbase is a leader in discovering industry trends, investments and news about companies, from startups to Fortune 500 companies (useful also to find angel investors). Website:     Name: Dealroom Brief Description: Dealroom provides data-driven intelligence on high-growth companies. Dealroom is Europe’s number 1 venture capital and private equity database which develops in-depth insights (useful also to find angel investors). Website:     Name: F6S Brief Description: F6S enables people to apply to startup programs, accelerators, funds, jobs and benefits. It shows and delivers millions of dollars each month to startups in government grants and R&D tax relief (useful also to find angel investors). Website:     Name: Foundum Brief Description: Foundum enables aspiring entrepreneurs to find startups, investors and advisors (useful also to find angel investors). Website:     Name: Gust Brief Description: Gust is a leading website that enables startups to connect with investors. It enables startups to build a profile and share it with investors to get funding. It also enables investors to access an enormous variety of startups for potential investment and it enables accelerators to increase applications and manage the application process (useful also to find angel investors). Website:     Name: Osservatorio Startup Hi-Tech School of Management Politecnico di Milano Brief Description: The Osservatorio is the most accurate source of data about the startup market in Italy, every year it produces an extensive report on the investments and trends. Website:     Name: ScaleIT Brief Description: ScaleIT is the platform that helps Italian and South-Eastern European scaleups to meet international investors. ScaleIT organizes a matching event in Milan. Website:     Name: Startup Genome Brief Description: Startup Genome produces the most in-depth, most read report on top city startup ecosystems. The report explains top city startup ecosystems and their useful key metrics including ecosystem demographics, ecosystem performance, funding, early-stage funding growth index and experienced VC firm index. Website:     Name: Startup Xplore Brief Description: Startup Xplore enables startups to find investors and discover new talent. It enables investors to get personalized dealflow. Website:       Note to readers: if you think we missed to list some investor or other organization and useful source just drop us a line at [email protected]     Contributor:  Adam Bregu      


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