International competition for innovators in bioengineering



Since 1996, Altran Foundation for Innovation strongly believes in the importance of promoting technological innovation for the community and public welfare, bringing the competences of the Group to the community through the enhancement of human capital and technology, and fostering the creation and the development of innovative projects.

Altran Foundation has recently announced Altran Foundation for Innovation Award dedicated to “Bioengineering and stem cells: ideas for life”.

The competition aims to identify and reward an innovative technology project that will help solving one of the following problems:

• Comprehension and analysis of the growth mechanisms of stem cells to repair damaged organs and tissues;

• Creation of artificial organs and tissues;

• Creation of new therapeutic protocols based on stem cells and creating innovative support devices;

• Information systems for the control of storage of stem cells and for the management of resulting data.

The competition for this Award is open to all people and/or organizations, regardless of nationality, studing and/or working in science and technology to allow progress in bioengineering and stem cell research field.
The Foundation offers the opportunity to be supported by an Altran Consultant providing free coaching service in order to complete the application form and in the project presentation.

The deadline for forwarding the application form is on October 31st 2012: all the projects will be evaluated by an independent jury with a specific expertise dealt with the 2012 Award topic.

The Prize rewards the winner with a six-months-long technological mentoring offred by Altran Italy: a customized support to suit your needs and to help in accelerating the development and the realization of the project, covering all sectors of scientific research and innovation in which Altran works (development of technology, industrialization, cost optimization, project management, market research, planning, research partners, fund raising, marketing, communications, corporate strategy …)

The regulation and the application form of Altran Foundation for Innovation Award Italy are available on the Foundation website

The Altran Foundation for Innovation Award 2012 was launched in 8 countries: France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Portugal and Switzerland. The national winners will qualify for the international final selection that will take place on January 2013.

For futher information: [email protected]
For news about Altran Foundation for Innovation and national competitions, visit the website 



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