Innovative, durable and recyclable: iMask is here and it’s made in Italy

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All of us in this time of Covid 19 emergency have been thinking that one of the new, powerful, business was the mask business. These guys made it: Giovanni Gallo and Salvatore Cobuzio are the founders of iMask, a startup company bloomed to produce the mask we were missing and that is definitely smarter than all the others. iMask has FFP3 filter, it is durable, recyclable, designed and produced in Italy and also in transparent version. iMask is an innovative protective device, both personal and medical, that combines design and fit, safety, sustainability and convenience and represents the answer to the need to wear protective masks, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. iMask is one of the safest masks in the world thanks to the properties of the filter, which uses an innovative polypropylene fabric certified in the FFP3 protection class. “Behind the essential design of iMask there is a great complexity – commented Giovanni Gallo, designer, co-founder and COO of iMask – “Designing it was a great challenge. The starting point was the choice of materials, which required a long and thorough research work. The result is an innovative mask, made with a single material without the use of elastic bands, buttons, Velcro or fabric. iMask is also a mask designed to last, it is not a disposable object designed for everyday use, because today design, even industrial design, cannot ignore respect for the environment”. The global health emergency caused by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has made it essential to comply with strict contagion prevention and control procedures. The answer to the need to wear protective masks is iMask, an innovative personal and medical protective device that combines design and fit, safety, sustainability and convenience. Let’s see iMask in detail: Safe: it is the only mask without valve that can protect both the wearer and those close to him thanks to the properties of the filter, which uses an innovative polypropylene fabric certified in protection class FFP3, the highest standard available on the market for semi-permanent personal and surgical protection masks. The filter is washable and sterilizable and the tests carried out in the laboratories of the German Fiatec Filter & Aerosol Technologie GmbH ensure FFP3 level protection up to one month after its first use. Durable: it can be used countless times thanks to the replaceable FFP3 filter, which can last up to one month. Washable and sterilisable is not a disposable device. Ecological: designed with the environment in mind, iMask is recyclable, reduces the consumption of disposable masks and limits the problem of disposable products. Ergomnomic: made with an hypoallergenic thermoplastic rubber certified for medical use, it is lightweight and has a unique fit thanks to its “elastic behaviour”.  

Cost of iMask

iMask is not only one of the safest devices in the world, it is also convenient, because the price of a mask, which contains the filter and that from the tests carried out ensures coverage up to one month of effective use, is 15€, while a blister with five filters, which ensure coverage up to five months of effective use, costs 10€, only 2€ per filter. With a total cost of €25 you get full protection from the Covid-19 valid for up to six months. If we use the cheapest disposable surgical mask available on the market, which costs 0.60€ cents, the monthly cost for a multiple use of five masks per day would be 100€ per month, which becomes 600€ for six months. With a devastating environmental impact and lower levels of protection than those guaranteed by iMask. Available in transparent, white, grey and pink, iMask is on sale online from 4 May 2020 at  


iMask founders

Conceived, created and sold by iMask srl, an innovative Sicilian startup that wants to revolutionize the production of masks, iMask was born from the meeting of five entrepreneurs, including Salvatore Cobuzio, founder of Martha’s Cottage, the largest e-commerce dedicated to weddings in Europe and Giovanni Gallo, designer and founder of the Gallo-Lab digital design and manufacturing laboratory with the surgeon Otolaryngology at the “Vito Fazzi” Hospital in Lecce Giovanni Leo Tomacelli. Different but complementary points of view and specializations which, by joining together, gave life to an innovative mask, which meets the needs of aesthetics, functionality, safety and convenience. “While everyone has started to produce masks that already exist on the market, we have focused on the product and well-being, not only physical but also psychological, of those who must wear them – says Salvatore Cobuzio, co-founder and CEO of iMask – We preferred to study and focus our efforts to find an innovative solution that could solve not one but more problems. No more disposable masks that, in addition to not protecting you enough, heavily affect the ability of each individual and the environment. iMask can be used countless times and is recyclable. But above all, just cover your face making us all unrecognizable, iMask is the only mask in the world that allows facial recognition”.


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