Index Ventures è numero uno tra i 20 più importanti venture europei

Li ha classificati CB Insights con Business Insider, i 20 più importanti venture capitalist del vecchio continente nel 2016. O meglio: la classifica mette insieme un pò tutto, dai vc veri e propri a quelli che si avvicinano di più al corporate venture o ai fondi di venture capital pubblici, come risulta infatti osservando i primi tre sul podio. Niente sorprese, nessun fondo italiano in classifica, si parte da fondi che gestiscono almeno 200 milioni di dollari. Number 1 europeo con una disponibilità di oltre 700 milioni di dollari di capitale è Index Ventures, al secondo posto Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners, al terzo il Regional Growth Fund inglese. Qui di seguito i primi tre classificati.  

1. Index Ventures — $706.16 million

1. Index Ventures — $706.16 million

Ben Holmes, one of Index’s London partners.

Launched in 1996, Index Ventures has offices in Geneva, Switzerland, London, Jersey, and San Francisco. It invests in both technology and healthcare. Its extensive tech portfolio includes Asos, BetFair, Facebook, Etsy, and Just Eat. (Index Ventures has multiple funds, so CB Insights says it has only included its largest.)


2. Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners — $620 million

2. Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners — $620 million

Timotheus Höttges, CEO of Deutsche Telekom.

Launched in November 2014 by German telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom, it aims to be “an external innovation engine through investments in venture capital, with a special focus on Germany’s exciting and growing start-up scene”. It has one investment listed on Crunchbase so far — an $8 million Series A round in automotive software company Mojio.


3. Regional Growth Fund — $484.35 million

3. Regional Growth Fund — $484.35 million

Britain’s Business Secretary Sajid Javid.

Regional Growth Fund is a British government initiative to help fund UK businesses. “For every £1 invested through the RGF,” its website explains, “the private sector has put in £5.50.” It claims to have created 130,000 jobs so far.

        Guarda tutta la classifica nell’articolo originale.


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