H-Camp is the new incubation program of venture incubator H-Farm


Application for H-CAMP, the new H-FARM initiative designed to accommodate and develop innovative digital projects, are open. A 3 months intensive acceleration program which was born from the consolidated Seed Program, the program that in last 6 years allowed us to fund 34 startups and get 7 successful exit.






H-CAMP is a complete, innovative and international program, in two sessions per year, that will offer to 20 teams the opportunity to live the H-FARM experience. A Financial support, a mentorship by qualified partners and the access to a vast network of national and international investors, are the main services that will help young people to turn their idea into a robust and scalable business. It’s not a simple workspace: in addition, to take advantage of the extraordinary work environment that characterizes H-FARM, the startuppers can stay in the CAMP, created especially for them, and enjoy an unique experience that will immerse them in a climate of innovation.

Riccardo Donadon, one of the founder of H-Farm, said:

“H-CAMP is a fundamental step for growth which further amplifies our Seed Program: in recent months we have worked very hard at the international level laying the foundations to receive applications from all over the world, we want to contaminate young people, mingling their creativity, expertise and especially desire to emerge. In this world there are extraordinary opportunities: here we want to bring the best talents and seize them.”



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