Gwyneth Paltrow, la startupper

Se qualcuno ha mai pensato che il successo di Gwyneth Paltrow, una vita fa attrice e modella, ora fondatrice di diverse startup digitali e ultimamente di un ecommerce di grande successo (Goop), sia stato una di quelle operazioni studiate a tavolino in cui lei, affascinante attrice, ha solo messo il proprio nome, beh, si sbaglia. In principio suona strano sentirla parlare di gross margin e content marketing, ma emerge subito chiaramente che siamo di fronte a un’autentica, appassionata, imprenditrice del digitale, ossessionata dai dettagli e dalle metriche. Che in questo post su Linkedin racconta perché ha abbandonato la sua carriera da attrice per affrontare quella da imprenditrice “I walked away from a career where people kissed my ass — and I couldn’t be happier about it” Prova ad ascoltare questa sua intervista video, nella quale racconta della sua esperienza di imprenditrice, del fundraising, di come abbia paura che la sua fama possa condizionare negativamente la crescita della società, di come ha gestito l’attenzione dei media (che non le hanno risparmiato critiche), osservando che tutto sommato quando le critiche sono superficiali e poco fondate, e dall’altra parte ci sono fatturati che raddoppiano continuamente, non vale la pena dare troppo peso alle critiche, anzi  fanno anche bene al business poichè nell’ecommerce “no press is bad press” ma tutto il resto va bene.

“The decision I made in 2008 to start what would become the that exists today was perhaps a rogue one, and perhaps not that well thought out. I had a perfectly good day job at the time and though I could not have anticipated what goop would become, I was thoughtful what it might be one day, and I formatted it accordingly. I had, for many years, been the friend who was called at all hours for instructions on how to cook a date meal, what restaurant was new and noteworthy in NYC, the must-sees for a first trip to Paris that was only 48 hours in duration. It seemed logical to me at the time that having been an aggregator of what I thought was good information, a curator of sorts for my friends and family, that I would open it up to the wider world. The reaction was quite extraordinary. I suddenly and stunningly had tens of thousands of subscribers who were super engaged, and seemingly as many members of the press and public completely dumbfounded as to why I would ever do something like this. There was a multiple page article in the New York Times examining my decision, which seemed an unjustifiably disproportionate response to a little homespun blog I hoped would be laying the foundation for something real someday.”


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