Green Innovation and Investment Forum: Apply now

The Green Innovation and Investment Forum– a new pitching and training event for founders and start-ups – is looking for your business ideas with high market potential. You are a founder or start-up currently looking for financing and support? Apply now and find your partners for (start-up) financing, development or licensing of your technologies or business ideas in Stuttgart, Germany. The application form can be found here. Deadline is December 15th 2014. The Green Innovation and Investment Forums is looking for smart business ideas and innovative concepts from the green technology sector. Trendsetting solutions from areas such as environmental engineering, green IT, resource and energy efficiency, smart grid, material efficiency or smart production are eligible for submission. Further information about the topic “Smart Green Industry” is available here. If your solution is convincing, you will get the opportunity to present your business idea to investors and market actors in a six-minute pitch. In the generous matching breaks, there will be time for talks with decision makers, experts and investors. This event is free of charge for start-ups, researchers and founders. Benefit from the Green Training Day at the Green Innovation and Investment Forum: Pitching companies receive individual trainings and coaching from international experts the day before the forum to improve their business model as well as their presentation skills The Forum will take place on 10th and 11th February 2015 in Stuttgart. Organisers of the event are bwcon GmbH and Umwelttechnik BW in cooperation with KIC InnoEnergy. Startupbusiness is a partner of the event.  


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