Fashion tech, Lanieri is the first brand to accept bitcoin

Lanieri, the first 100% Made in Italy e-commerce dedicated to men’s elegance, from today is accepting bitcoin transactions, confirming itself as the first fashion tech brand able to support criptocurrency among its payment methods. Aim of the transaction – announced a few days after JP Morgan’s declarations that have dropped the value of Criptocurrency- will be to conquer new international and technological customers, that look at the luxury market as an opportunity to convert their own bitcoins and invest in valuable goods. Even though polemics and oscillations, criptocurrency has now a value of about $3.800 and a capitalization of about $6.5 billion; in the last months it has gone from an unbelievable growth to abrupt drops and those who believed in it from the beginning now have a capital as consistent as subject to sudden collapse. From the fashion market, to the one of art or building industry, who has bought bitcoins now is looking for new spending and investment channels and the company founded by Simone Maggi and Riccardo Schiavotto, which sells online customed garments 100% Made in Italy from over 50 countries, wants to be positioned first on this niche of customers open to the adoption of the new technologies and with high spending capacity. “It’s soon to say whether it’s a bubble or a real currency able to challenge the traditional currencies: we believe it’s an opportunity for our customers. Lanieri means fashiontech and it was natural to bring innovation even to the accepted payment systems” commented Simone Maggi, CEO and cofounder of Lanieri. “We aspire to dress up the new global generation of smart nerd entrepreneurs and managers who is driving the current technological revolution in every sector”. According to some researchers of Cambridfe University, the estimated number of unique Bitcoin users is now between 5 and 10 million, a value that exceeds 16 million according to and the number of bitcoin transactions grew particularly in 2017. Lanieri’s customers will now be able to order their made to measure garments, made with the finest Made in Italy fabrics, in an even more immediate, safe and fast way. Innovating the sartorial service is also introducing payment methods that ease our users’ transactions”, allowing them to make payments which are extremely quick and secure. In May, we were the first to support Apple Pay in Italy and now, following some early adopters’ numerous requests, we decided to introduce bitcoin payments”, concluded Maggi. In order to buy in bitcoin on and in the atelier in in Italy and Europe it will be enough to select among the payment methods this option. The conversion rate depends on the quotation decided by the payment provider at the time of purchase. You will be then automatically redirected to the secure payment form and then you will be given information to access your virtual wallet.  


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