Women ONboarding (UniCredit), the fourth edition presented

After the success of the last 3 editions of Women ONBoarding, the initiative is therefore replicated again this year, further extending the reference audience. The 2024 edition involves 64 female entrepreneurs, of which 32 Mentees chosen from small and medium-sized enterprises Clients of the Bank and 32 Mentors belonging to the Members of the Italy and Territorial Advisory Boards of UniCredit – advisory bodies composed of leading figures in the Italian business and academic scene -, to the UniCredit Territorial Community and to the GammaDonna Women’s Network, a partner of the project in recent years, which will also be present in this edition. The goal of Women ONBoarding is to facilitate dialogue between the business world and the world of women and to offer women of the new entrepreneurial generations the necessary tools for their professional and personal growth. According to the Observatory on Women’s Entrepreneurship and Employment carried out by Prometeia for Unicredit’s Women ONboarding initiative , there is a slight strengthening in terms of female entrepreneurship and employment in the post-Covid period: 24.7% more in 2023, with almost 1.5 million active companies, compared to 22% in 2022. On the other hand, however, several gender gaps persist, for example there is no significant progress in the number of women in corporate positions compared to pre-Covid or in STEM skills. Therefore, the commitment of companies to help reduce these gaps continues to be relevant. UniCredit, also with its Start Lab, has several initiatives, in addition to Women ONboarding to encourage female entrepreneurship. Women ONboardi is a course that includes training sessions on women’s empowerment issues and Mentoring sessions and online workshops open to the entire Women ONBoarding community on topics of interest such as subsidized finance, creditworthiness and ratings, cyber security and data protection held by Bank representatives who are experts in the field. The launch event of this fourth edition also coincided with the first training session, with speakers included Annalisa Areni, Head of Clients strategies at UniCredit, Alessandra Rocchi, Head of Advisory Board & Territorial Plans at UniCredit, who led the day’s work, Alessandra Lanza, Senior Partner at Prometeia, who presented an observatory on female entrepreneurship produced for UniCredit, and Giuseppe Meli. Coach, Menslab Mentor trainer who with his Team will follow the participants in their Mentoring sessions. Annalisa Areni, Head of Client Strategies at UniCredit said: “We are convinced that supporting female entrepreneurship, through the development of a path aimed at enhancing their talents, can contribute to further strengthening the leadership and empowerment of women, promoting the growth and development of the communities and territories in which we operate. This initiative, which to date has involved more than 150 female entrepreneurs, has encouraged the creation of countless collaborations, giving life to a real community. The interest we have seen in this project makes us proud and confirms our desire to continue in this direction.”


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