The new Startupbusiness

Dear Reader

This is it, Startupbusiness is all new. The publication founded in 2008, which was the first in Italy to inform on the phenomenon of innovation becoming a business, of start-ups, and of the world of venture capital investments at a time when what we now call the start-up ecosystem was taking its first steps, kicks off the third phase of its evolution.

Between 2008 and 2015, the publication was managed by the company of the same name, which made it grow by working on both the editorial product and initiatives such as the community and the first calls for start-ups of an industrial nature. It collaborated with large tech companies and the banking and financial world until receiving, in 2015, the proposed acquisition by the Digital360 Group, which was, at the time, close to listing on the Milan Stock Exchange. The writer has always maintained the role of editor-in-chief in this second phase of evolution, and felt that Startupbusiness could grow more solidly within a group, hence the choice was made. Today, after 9 years of belonging to the group that acquired it in 2015, Startupbusiness is leaving that context and merging into Designtech, a company that is both an innovative startup and a benefit company, of which the writer is a co-founder partner, which aims to give new impetus to the Italian innovation ecosystem by leveraging projects, initiatives, and sectors related to three-dimensional, as well as digital, innovation.

Today marks the beginning of a new phase in the history of Startupbusiness, which has been profoundly renewed not only in its corporate structure but also in its technological structure, with a new website that for the first time is entirely bilingual, Italian and English, thus becoming not only the point of reference for information on the Italian ecosystem for Italian-speaking readers but also for the rest of the world.

We will continue to leverage the elements that have characterised our philosophy to date: independence, clarity, transversality, elements that have allowed us to have a qualified readership today, hence people who are an active part of the ecosystem, to build a reputation and credibility that we have always maintained solid even, at times, resisting temptations and compromises.

We will continue to give voice to the ecosystem, something that is fundamental for us especially at this time when we are facing a new phase of maturity, we will make our contribution so that an increasingly widespread, healthy, transparent culture of the meaning of doing business innovation is created and to communicate how important this is because it is able not only to create an impact on the world of work and on the creation of economic value, but above all because it is through innovation that challenges can be overcome, even the most difficult ones such as sustainability, climate change, and social drift. It is only through innovation that the world can be made a better place.

In the coming weeks we will complete the transition to the new platform by also restarting the Startupbusiness Review newsletter (which you can already subscribe to if you haven’t already done so), we will also work on physical initiatives that will also leverage the spaces of Designtech, the CoFactory and C.Space located in the Certosa District area of Milan, and we will propose new ideas to our readers’ community, so stay tuned. (image credit: Unsplash)

Happy reading and may the force be with you


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