The 50 Italian startups at CES in Las Vegas 2024

There are 50 startups that make up the Italian delegation at CES 2024, from 13 regions. Lombardy maintains a solid relative majority and the south is well represented, with startups from Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia. The pavilion will cover an area of 600 square meters in the heart of Eureka Park, where all the startups exhibiting at CES are present. At the institutional level, the mission is supported by the Region of Sardinia. A long-standing partner of the Italian initiative in Las Vegas is the national research institution Area Science Park, which also this year organized the academy dedicated to startups: a training course to teach them how to make the most of their experience at CES, in terms of business opportunities and visibility. Among the stands of Italian startups there will be many solutions to make homes and cities smart and future-proof, thanks to automation, advanced sensors, new ways of conceiving mobility, from air logistics to modular public road transport. And again, web3 and blockchain that support agrifood by tracking supply chains, the management of notarial documents, and marketing. Last, but not least, the innovations in digital health, and the supports for motor and digital accessibility: from virtual biopsy of bone architecture to self-driving wheelchairs for airports. In addition to the startups’ stands, the pavilion is built around an arena that over the course of the four days of the expo will be animated by thematic panels in which some of the main stakeholders in the world of Italian innovation will speak, as well as numerous US and European business partners. All the startups will also have the opportunity to tell their stories to the audience of visitors to Eureka Park, in dedicated sessions. At the 2024 edition of CES, which takes place between 9 and 12 January, more than 3500 exhibitors are expected, a number that has grown by more than a third compared to 2023; of these, a thousand are the startups that will animate Eureka Park, an exhibition area historically set up inside the Venetian hotel that hosts the “little” innovators, many of whom are gathered in different national delegations. Many more visitors are also expected in Las Vegas than last year, more than 130,000 according to organizers’ estimates.


3DNextech – Livorno 3DNextech develops machinery based on a patented technology that improves the physical characteristics of 3D printed plastic objects, making them comparable to injection molding products. These solutions are able to make additive manufacturing competitive in terms of product quality, while maintaining its advantages in terms of sustainability compared to the mass production of plastic objects. The same technology can be used for the printing phase, enabling a new production chain. AI4IV – Amaro (Udine) AI4IV develops systems for the integration of artificial intelligence with vision technology. He created FlyEye, a technology that, with minimal hardware, allows you to capture high-quality images without defects in all light conditions, enabling better performance in automated systems such as object recognition or environmental monitoring. Aindo – Trieste Aindo proposes a solution to overcome the lack of data useful for developing artificial intelligence systems through a platform for the production of synthetic data. The platform uses proprietary technology that can automate the data value chain. Aitem develops artificial intelligence software that can assist medical and veterinary staff in the diagnosis phase thanks to data analysis. The company has created software capable of hypothesizing with great precision the presence of tumors starting from the recurrence of certain biometric indicators, or cases of covid-19 starting from chest x-rays. Its algorithms can also be used in industry, to make production chains more cost-efficient. Alba Robot – Turin Alba Robot provides autonomous mobility solutions for people with reduced mobility, in particular within facilities such as hospitals, museums, airports, with a fleet of intelligent vehicles (wheelchairs) capable, thanks to artificial intelligence software and IoT sensors, of orienting and moving autonomously. Alert-Genius – Alghero (Sassari) Alert-Genius has developed a system that allows the recognition of people, animals and objects, authorizing access accordingly. The system also includes active tags, a management app, and an audible alarm connected to the detector. ARIA Sensing – Rezzato (Brescia) ARIA Sensing develops advanced UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) radar sensors for short-range applications. It has developed sensors with advanced features in terms of resolution, power consumption and scalability for 2D/3D measurements. ArtCentrica – Florence ArtCentrica helps teachers create dynamic and captivating art lessons that stimulate students’ curiosity. The digital reconstruction of the works allows students to observe them in very high resolution and “manipulate” them in an interactive way. Athics – Cinisello Balsamo (Milan) Athics has developed PortrAIt, a solution based on artificial intelligence that detects in real time the main psychometric traits of its interlocutor, analyzing the “function words” used in even a few lines of conversation. In this way, it is possible to anticipate the most suitable content and communication style in each interaction. Blockchain Italia is a software house specialized in blockchain, web3 and dApp technology. He developed TokNox, a tokenization platform to authenticate, manage, and store digital files. The platform adapts to any need, offering the ability to create custom white-label applications that can be integrated as APIs or offers as SaaS. BrainWaves has developed a software that translates brain waves into commands to activate and control devices – from drones to simple computers, in the case of paralyzed people – and into inputs for authentication systems. Certy – Cagliari Certy AI is a moderation system against online scams. It uses artificial intelligence to monitor thousands of online ads and messages, profiling and tracking users and overseeing transactions. Coderblock – Palermo Codeblock offers companies experiences in virtual spaces that combine the aspects of a role-playing game, a multiplayer online game, and virtual business experiences to enable teams to improve lead generation and marketing activities. Contents – Milano Contents is a tech company that develops SaaS solutions for the creation and implementation of multilingual creative content through a generative AI platform. Content can also be created for adaptive and targeted distribution of web advertising. Develop-Players – Cesena Develop-Players designs video games based on neuropsychological research, tailored for the cognitive improvement of young people with neurodivergences (such as ADHD, specific learning disorders…). Therapeutic methodologies are combined with engaging gameplay, working on improving attention, memory, problem-solving, visual perception, and executive functions. Domethics develops IoT products and technologies related to smart homes and telemedicine services. Carəpet is a smart mat that monitors pets’ vitals, determining the animal’s health status by collecting data on heart rate, breathing, sleep, and environmental information such as temperature and humidity. You can share the data with your veterinarian in real time. CES Innovation Awards 2024 Honoree. EZ Lab – Padua EZ Lab uses blockchain and artificial intelligence to track supply chains in the agri-food sector. It has developed a Digital Product Passport (DPP) that allows consumers to access product information in an immersive way, thanks to a user experience (UX) that leverages artificial intelligence to create engaging storytelling that engages and builds loyalty. Fifth Ingenium – Caserta Fifth Ingenium develops machine learning, IoT, augmented and virtual reality systems for different industries. In particular, he develops mixed reality (XR) systems for school-educational contexts and for corporate and professional training. Flywallet – Milan Flywallet produces wearable devices capable of detecting biometric parameters (fingerprint, heat, electrocardiogram). With Keyble, you can securely access your accounts or physical locations, or make payments, while monitoring numerous vitals. Ganiga – Bientina (Pisa) Ganiga has patented and invented Hoooly, a smart bin that communicates with citizens, automatically sorting their waste and creating statistics and data thanks to artificial intelligence, allowing the warning and planning of an optimized path for emptying the bins. In this way, the costs of the personnel employed are reduced, as well as reducing the pollution required for collection. Genuino – Cagliari Genuino is a blockchain-based certification protocol that connects NFTs to real-world items. In partnership with the luxury brand Bianchi e Nardi, it has developed X3ME, which allows each Bored Apes NFT to be associated with a specific handcrafted leather garment or accessory, on which the image of the relevant NFT is imprinted. Hexagro – Milan Hexagro has developed Clovy, a home vertical farming system for growing vegetables indoors. The appliance is supported by an app that helps maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Innoitaly – Codognè (Treviso) Innoitaly aims to develop sustainable, battery-free and maintenance-free IoT devices. Innova – Milazzo (Messina) Innova develops products and services based on virtual and augmented reality, and IoT, including CheckMED, an IoT sphygmomanometer that allows you to remotely monitor your health status, and Olivia, a smart mirror with a conversational interface based on artificial intelligence. It’s Prodigy – Milan It’s Prodigy is a startup that offers digital transformation services. Its platform makes it possible to produce reports automatically using artificial intelligence and interpreting linguistically formulated requests. The system can be integrated with the main company management systems. Kintana – San Mauro Torinese (Turin) Kintana, a spin-off of Pea Group, presents Morestech, a “phygital” nanny that revolutionizes care and learning for children. It offers parents advanced supervision tools based on the token economy behavioral program that integrate with smart home systems. Its AI designs interactive and personalized educational content together with the child, while the smart contract ensures the security of the application. Levante – Milano Levante has created the portable and modular Origami solar panel. Created with recycled carbon fiber, Origami is a foldable panel capable of producing up to 500W of energy, suitable for mobile use. Light On Your Side – Salerno Charlie&Greta is a line of smart sanitizing products for pets made by Light on Your Side with Biovitae no-UV LED technology, which eliminates viruses and bacteria. The Charlie&Greta smart bed is equipped with a self-cleaning treated fabric that, thanks to the LEDs, does not deposit odors. It has several built-in sensors: weight, humidity, temperature, heart-rate tracking, and breath monitoring. M2Test – Trieste M2Test has released BES test, a SaaS platform that deals with the diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of fragility fracture risk through an assessment of the internal structure of the bone. The test is based on simulating the application of forces to a virtual biopsy of the patient’s bone architecture, which is obtained from X-ray images. A feature that makes it possible to identify subjects at risk who escape traditional densitometric tests. MyCulture – Cagliari MyCulture+ is a subscription-based streaming platform that exclusively presents cinematographic works in regional and minority languages, from all over the world. NExT – Padua NExT is an advanced intelligent transportation system based on modular electric vehicle fleets. Each module can join and detach from other modules on normal urban roads. When merged, the modules create an open area between them, similar to a bus, allowing passengers to stand and walk from one module to another. This system makes it possible to match the supply and demand of public transport, reducing the consumption due to empty buses. Partitalia – Lainate (Milan) Partitalia manufactures and sells smart cards, tags, RFID readers and IoT solutions. In particular, in the field of waste management, it develops solutions for process efficiency: the latest product launched, EcoSense SmartBin Pro, integrates sensors and two-way communication systems, allowing citizens to access data on waste production in real time. Powandgo – Brescia Powandgo is a platform that connects private users and businesses equipped with charging stations with those who need to charge electric or plug-in hybrid cars. Sharing stations provides owners with revenue while limiting costs for motorists, while the platform allows multiple private charging stations to be aggregated into a single interface. Protom Robotics – Naples Protom develops robots that support social interaction, in educational or care settings. Powered by artificial intelligence, they can be engaged in collaborative learning activities in the classroom, while at home they can offer assistance, companionship and entertainment. REair – Milan REair eliminates smog and purifies the polluted air of large cities using an innovative technology based on the principle of photocatalysis. Through the use of transparent and odourless photocatalytic coatings that do not alter the colour and appearance of the surfaces, harmful microorganisms and NOx can be eliminated. SAM – Sassari SAM (Smart Agriculture Method) is a decision support platform for agriculture capable of cross-referencing data from drones, agro-meteorological stations and satellites with the aim of optimizing resources, providing indications on how much water to distribute, where to treat or fertilize based on the exact needs of crops. Searcode – Catanzaro Searcode has created Coverride, a smartphone case with an LCD display that can be customized with animations, videos, and NFTs. The depictions can be edited via the app. Skyproxima – Trieste Skyproxima offers highly customized Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) solutions, developing state-of-the-art aircraft that integrate solutions based on biometrics, blockchain and artificial intelligence. The application sectors range from agriculture to logistics to emergency medicine, but the company is also working to manage on-orbit services and lunar and Martian missions in the future. SnapAll is an intelligent real-time construction site monitoring software that simplifies the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies by making them accessible to homeowners, construction companies and real estate investors. The platform integrates with any existing camera connected to the internet, allowing you to oversee the project directly from your smartphone through automatic timelapses and intelligent reports. Sport Business Lab Consultancy – Roma Sport Business Lab Consultancy is a sports observatory that helps users and companies to easily find all the data on the main research areas related to the sports market. The company has designed a technology that integrates several databases into a single platform, allowing users to obtain information through longitudinal and interdisciplinary data. Sunspeker – Turin Sunspeker creates aesthetic coatings for solar panels, capable of preserving their efficiency by protecting the artistic, historical and landscape heritage, and making it possible to apply billboards. Tecnojest – Spoltore (Pescara) Tecnojest provides ICT solutions for communication between people and things. It develops a hardware and software platform called O²IP that offers services for low-power devices for retail, hospitals, banks, cities, industries. The company has launched MOVIDA–Management Over IP Detection Audio, a smart device for urban noise and air quality detection, with integrated services for public and private users. The Meter – Genova The Meter is an automated tool for measuring enclosed spaces. Thanks to a combination of lasers and accelerometers, the device can reproduce a graphic representation of the spaces directly digitally during measurement. Developed by Undo Studios, The Nemesis is an open-world metaverse that hybridizes traditional and immersive online experiences, thanks to a seamless virtual space where the user can navigate based on their interests. The Thinking Clouds – Benevento Developed by The Thinking Clouds, Greenia is an AI microlearning and communication platform that provides natural language training pills in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. The platform allows you to design and distribute interactive training courses in an automated way, enriched by digital tutors and augmented reality (AR) experiences. TMP Group – Milano Musa is an NFT platform created by TMP Group that increases opportunities for brands to integrate NFTs into their digital strategy. Operating on the carbon-neutral Algorand blockchain, Musa is a sustainable marketplace that allows brands to tailor strategies based on customer profiles and their specific marketing goals. Travel Verse – Busto Arsizio (Varese) Travel Verse applies the concept of gaming to the travel industry, allowing operators to combine gaming and VR experiences with classic videos and photos. Physical structures such as hotels or monuments, larger settings such as islands or oases, experiences such as diving or skiing, are recreated virtually. Among the various projects, the company has recreated the Castello Sforzesco in Milan within the video game Fortnite. Truesense Truesense develops AI software for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) sensors that underpin several IoT devices. UWB sensors offer high performance and more efficient consumption, in contexts ranging from monitoring people receiving domestic assistance, to tracking vehicles. Visual Note – Milano Visual Note has created a tool to facilitate the learning of the guitar: it is a “ribbon” of LEDs that are applied to the fretboard of the guitar, and that light up at the key to be pressed, as the song is played. The device connects and manages via app. Vitrum Design – Milan Vitrum manufactures design switches and devices for home automation, combining the use of fine materials with versatility, efficiency and ease of use. The Cloud series transforms a traditional electrical system into a home automation system, allowing you to manage lights, roller shutters, temperature both from the controls and from the app. More widespread implementations are carried out with the KNX wired system.


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