Southern Europe’s 50 fastest growing start-ups according to Sifted

Sifted recently published a report entitled Sifted 50 Southern Europe, the fastest-growing start-ups in 2024. The report is in its first edition and is interesting because it examines the 50 best start-ups, or rather the 50 start-ups with the highest growth rate, based in the countries of Southern Europe: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Andorra and San Marino . Il report, in lingua inglese è scaricabile a questo link, e compie una approfondita analisi dello scenario dell’ecosistema startup nei Paesi considerati, realizzando sì la classifica delle startup e spiegando nel dettaglio quali criteri sono stati utilizzati ma offrendo anche un approfondimento sul contesto dell’ecosistema anche grazie a interviste che sono state fatte con alcuni professionisti che in questi ecosistemi lavorano.

Spain’s Olistic, Italy’s 1000Farmacie and Spain’s Barkibu conquer the first three steps of the ranking followed by Coverflex which is of Portuguese origin but also very present in Italy, Greece’s Prosperty and Spain’s Ukio occupy the fifth and sixth positions. Seventh is the Italian Smartpricing and eighth the Spanish Vicio, ninth and tenth are Equal Food from Portugal and Fiscozen from Italy.

The other Italians in the rankings are Bizaway in 11th place, Up2You in 13th, Cosmico in 14th, Toduba and Exein in 18th and 19th, respectively, Doctorsa (20th), Weroad (21st), Aryel (23rd), Caracol (26th), Cyberguru (27th), Foorban (30th), Freedome (31st) and then again Babaco Market, Waterview, Zappyrent, Jobtech occupying positions between 34 and 37, Soplaya (39), Faba (41), Trustfull (44), Dazetechnology (46), Aiko (47).

The report was produced by Sifted’s team of analysts, with contributions from Eanna Kelly, Federico Scolari, Ruggero Di Spigna, Amy O’Brian, Jonathan Sinclair, Gaetan Nivon, Dessy Baeva and Francesco Bellanca.


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