SkyDeck Europe, here are the startups of the fourth batch

Berkeley SkyDeck Europe, the initiative launched by UC Berkeley University accelerator Berkeley SkyDeck, Italian innovation hub Cariplo Factory and the international real estate, infrastructure and urban regeneration group Lendlease, and financially supported by Fondazione Cariplo and the Lombardy Region based in Milan at MIND, has completed the fourth batch.

The nine startups presented receive, in addition to direct contact with Italian and European companies and investors, also a total ticket of 1.3 million euros, after attending the six-month program, which took place partly in California and partly at MIND Milano Innovation District.


The six-month program gave the selected startups the opportunity to engage with both ecosystems, through a first month in presence in Berkeley, California, at the headquarters of one of the best accelerators in the world, and a final sprint in the spaces of the Village Pavillon, at the MIND Milan Innovation District, in Italy.

Each startup was followed by three European and US advisors, selected on the basis of areas of expertise and sectors of experience, had access to an international network of investors, and was trained on fundamental issues for an innovative company, such as go to market, product development and fundraising activities.

The program also leveraged the activation of the skills, laboratories and networks of the universities selected through the call promoted by the Cariplo Foundation: Politecnico di Milano, University of Milan, IULM Free University of Languages and Communication, University of Eastern Piedmont “Amedeo Avogadro”, University of Insubria, University Institute of Advanced Studies Pavia and University of Bergamo.

The nine startups featured in the demo day were selected from among the many that joined from all over the world, from Canada to Singapore, from Kenya to Armenia, from India to Romania, as well as the United Kingdom, France, Spain to the call launched in July last year. The startups that participated in the acceleration program operate in the edtech, sportech, greentech, HRtech, cybersecurity, new material, enterprise software sectors and are: (UK): positioned in a fast-growing market, that of “knowledge workers”, it offers AI-based learning optimization technology. Distinkt (Spain): develops innovative fluorescent inks based on nanotechnology, which can be used to print signs, barcodes or QR codes on any material or object, certifying their authenticity. Distinkt has patented the technology and a target market (anti-counterfeiting packaging market). INRŌ (France): is an AI-powered direct marketing tool for digital brands. Inrō enables brands to engage with each customer at scale and engage them with personalized messages based on their purchase history. Kfobix Inc. (United States): Kfobix’s patented superhydrophobic coating, which is lightweight, low-cost, durable and easily applicable, serves to prevent ice formation on wind lines, improving safety in power distribution and renewable energy efficiency. Klaaryo (Italy): is the talent intelligence platform that helps HR teams find and engage the best candidates in the market. MON5 (Italy): offers advanced cybersecurity solutions for the manufacturing sector, anticipating the migration of cyberattacks. The platform also monitors the performance and power consumption of hardware devices. The startup already collaborates with large companies, including Leonardo. Ochy (France): Developed advanced AI-based technology with a proprietary biomechanics algorithm in order to help runners run more efficiently to minimize the risk of injury and improve performance. It provides quality running form and posture analysis, from anywhere. Plino (Italy): Provides an immediate, error-free system for making data-driven business strategic decisions. Powered by een-AI, the software integrates all business data, automatically analyzes it, and answers any questions in natural language through an intuitive chat interface. Supplai (Italy): is a simplified procurement management platform for food and beverage SMEs that easily integrates purchase orders, communications, and payments with their suppliers. Being powered by AI, Supplai extracts data from files, provides recommendations, and creates personalized insights, making procurement activities faster, more efficient, and paperless.

SkyDeck In the first two and a half years of activity, Europe has accelerated 36 startups selected from 3,335 applications from all over the world, generated €5.2 million in direct investments and €4.3 million in external investors and grants. Among the relevant data recorded by the 27 startups in the first three batches is an increase in the workforce of about 50%, with a total of 90 jobs created.

The Goal SkyDeck Europe’s mission is to accompany the growth of startups, also ensuring the connection with qualified financial operators, able to support the development of entrepreneurial initiatives through equity investments. In fact, the birth of SkyDeck Europe, made possible thanks to the contribution of the Lombardy Region and the Cariplo Foundation, is aimed at creating a strong European ecosystem of innovative companies and aims, on the one hand, to assimilate methodologies and best practices for the enhancement of research thanks to the collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley, and on the other, to strengthen the local ecosystem by pooling the skills of universities and incubators of the territory through a model of widespread collaboration.

“The young companies that have completed SkyDeck Europe’s fourth accelerator program remind us that not all startups are born in Silicon Valley, nor do they need to move to the Valley to be successful,” Caroline Winnett, executive director of Berkeley SkyDeck , said in a statement. These nine startups reflect on the one hand the different visions that SkyDeck manages to attract, and on the other hand the ability to think outside the box to solve problems and assert itself. And given the success of the first three programs, we expect these new alumni to make their mark in their fields of expertise as well.”

“We are very satisfied with the goals achieved also thanks to the fundamental contribution of our network of advisors, universities and companies. SkyDeck Europe has now become a point of reference in the European and international innovation ecosystem, and this is demonstrated by the increasingly high level of startups that apply and are selected – adds Anders Nilsson, SkyDeck Europe program leader at Cariplo Factory – . Our ambition is to grow further: in the coming months, in fact, we hope to further expand our network to accompany startups on the market in an increasingly effective way.”

“This fourth edition of Berkeley’s SkyDeck Europe accelerator program, hosted within MIND, has once again highlighted the remarkable potential and vibrancy of the business ideas that Skydeck is able to attract and evolve,” said Andrea Ruckstuhl, CEO of Lendlease Europe. We are proud to have contributed to this project and to support the growth of the innovation district and the creation in a vibrant business environment in Europe, helping to increase the positive impact that start-ups bring to solving social and environmental challenges.”

SkyDeck Europe has become one of the world’s leading innovators, we receive ideas from all over the world and bring them to life. Ours is a challenge won,” comments Guido Guidesi, Councillor for Economic Development of the Lombardy Region. In fact, our goal is to transform ideas into stable companies, which generate an economic spin-off and new development opportunities. This is the opportunity that Lombardy offers to the whole world.”

“One of the most relevant aspects of this initiative is its impact on our innovation ecosystem, thanks to the contamination with the universities involved in the project, the anchors of the MIND Milano Innovation District and the potential partnerships with companies in our area – concludes Carlo Mango, Director of the Scientific and Technological Research Area of Fondazione Cariplo. It is the demonstration that the Italian research and innovation ecosystem can be attractive to startups not only from Europe but from all over the world”. (Photo by Alfonso Cenname on Unsplash)


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