Sapient and The Most Beautiful Country in the World, the new Italian science fiction

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Two books, two novels, two emerging Italian authors, two stories related to technologies and the future. Two stories that highlight the contradictions, the threats but also the opportunities that the future offers, the challenges for humanity, two stories that tell through the novel the great technological, social, economic and historical changes. There is also another common thread that unites these two works, the one linked to publishers which in one case is Amazon and in the other is Bookabook; therefore, publishers who support the authors who, however, have to independently find the resources to make the print and thus make the book available. One last thing to say before taking a closer look at the two stories, which are both first works and are entitled ‘Sapient: the birth of artificial intelligence’ and ‘The most beautiful country in the world’ is that the first is already available both in printed form and in ebook format and can be purchased, while the second is currently the subject of a fundraising campaign to get to the publication phase.


Sapient is written by Luca Guido Zambrelli who works in the digital field dealing with aspects related to marketing and communication for large companies and organizations in the fashion, automotive, entertainment and distribution sectors. The book narrates in the form of a novel with an Italian protagonist the end of the internet as we know it, the end of social networks, the future after web3, intertwines it with the great characters that animate the technology industry and with a plot that unfolds in threats, rebellions, courage, new ideas and new technologies. “In the not-too-distant future, the digital landscape is radically transformed. The internet, as we know it, is a thing of the past. Web3, a failed ambition. Social networks, a closed chapter in the history of humanity. Emerging from the ashes of this outdated digital world, rises ‘Sapient’ – a revolutionary network that has rewritten the rules of the game. At the heart of this new digital age is the ‘Pearl’, an extraordinary device that connects directly to human consciousness through personal artificial intelligence, acting as an extension of the mind and custodian of personal data. In this bold landscape, a professor, his son, a Hacker Lab, and legendary figures such as Larry, Sergei, Elon, Richard, Zuck, Bill, along with a global entity known as WWB, come together to develop Sapient. This decentralized web network is the embodiment of a new vision, where artificial intelligence assists humans in everyday life and protects personal data. But in the shadows, a conspiracy moves silently. An assemblage of humans and artificial intelligences plots to overthrow this new order, aiming to gain control of the network. A struggle for power is unleashed, a duel of wits and strategy, a global chess game where every move can be fatal. ‘Sapient’ is not just a window to the future; It’s a journey through the most amazing innovations facing humanity – from new smartphones to flying cars to next-generation particle screens. At the heart of it all, the ‘Pearl’, symbolizing an era in which our data is safe within an AI connected to our innermost essence. This sci-fi narrative, imbued with real and contemporary elements, transports us to an imminent future, a world on the brink of groundbreaking discoveries that promise to redefine our existence. In ‘Sapient’, the protagonists venture through the lights and shadows of emerging technology, innovation and impending socioeconomic changes. This odyssey is punctuated by bold predictions, where the protagonists face an enemy born of humanity’s deepest fears and the corruption of the very artificial intelligences that were created to serve it, an enemy thirsty for power and domination. The ending will be the beginning of a new and unexpected adventure,” reads the back cover, which is also the summary that the author has published on the website dedicated to the book where it is also it can be purchased through Amazon at a price of €4.99 for the ebook and €15.59 for the paper version, which also include an NFT certificate that allows access to additional content.

The most beautiful country in the world

The most beautiful country in the world is written by Luca Zorloni, a journalist who deals with economics and innovation and is currently in charge of the digital area of Wired Italia. As mentioned, the book is not yet readable in its entirety but it is already possible pre-purchase it on the Bookabook website , also in this case both in paper format is in ebook format and the prices are 19 and 6.99 euros respectively. Zorloni offers a consistent preview, publishes a rich preview that corresponds to the entire first chapter, while the summary reads as follows: “Italy, 2032: cities of art have become theme parks, where the stories of the past are recalled. For foreign tourists, it’s like taking a trip back in time, back to Goldoni’s Venice or Dante’s Florence. The government wants to exploit the national “oil”: historical monuments. But behind the façade lies a system of oppression, which forces citizens to serve in theme parks and blindly obey the regime. A group of rebels, the Net, wants to turn the situation around. And to do so, he must get his hands on a secret treasure. The key to getting there is an honest and calm citizen, Annibale Manin, a professional tour guide in Venice. Loyal to duty, he stays out of trouble hoping for a promotion. The big opportunity comes when he is assigned to accompany two wealthy tourists to the city. Instead, he will find himself involved, in spite of himself, in the intrigue of the Net. It also unravels a mystery about his family.” Here it is revealed how the two novels, both of which are science-fiction in their own right, both look to the future, tell it in a compelling way, use the pretext of the novel to draw possible scenarios, use the plot of threats, rebels, the use of networks and technologies to highlight the possible implications, evolutions, social impacts, economic, cultural and geopolitical that a not-so-distant future may bring. It is still too early to know if Zambrelli and Zorloni can be considered literary successes, the best thing to do to know is to read them and then buy their works, what is certain is that the emergence of a new generation of Italian science fiction authors is to be greeted with great enthusiasm.


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