Pharme, easier drug purchases

Pharme is the digital platform that simplifies product purchasing for customers and gives support to pharmacists. With Pharme, it is possible to check the availability of the drug in the pharmacy of one’s choice, or others nearby by expanding the search field in case of urgency, reserve it directly from the platform and then go to purchase it or, in case of momentary unavailability, order it. The main goal is to improve the contact between the pharmacist and the customer, offering quality and efficiency.

“Compared to other platforms, Pharme has access to pharmacy management, so customers can always know whether the product they need is in stock or needs to be ordered. In case of temporary unavailability, once the drug is selected, a notification will be sent with an indication of when to go to the pharmacy to purchase, all without any loss of time, says Pharme co-founder Filippo Tavormina in a note.

This digital solution not only simplifies the drug purchasing process but also helps streamline pharmacists’ work and improve the customer experience.

Pharme founders Filippo Tavormina and Alessandro Gallo, have created an innovative solution for a traditional and established job like that of the pharmacist by addressing and simplifying some of the complexities of the profession.

The path to the realization of Pharme was marked by the two founders who, in order to materialize the project, chose to involve three other young talents in support Sofia Perrone, Nicola Amato and Mario Gazzara to create a team with different skills and knowledge. Because of the diversified study paths, each was able to focus on a specific area such as administrative management, platform development, and communication.

The first to adopt and believe in this innovative approach were some pharmacies in Mazara del Vallo, the hometown of most of the boys, and Palermo, where some of the team members studied.

Pharme’s technology is aimed at younger students and workers but also aims to facilitate the older generation by embracing a target audience of 30 to 50 years old. The platform aims to be a valuable ally for young adults with young children who need to frequently go to the pharmacy to buy products for their children’s care, helping them better manage their time and schedule purchases during busy days.

“Pharme aims to be a valuable ally in improving the quality of life and supporting all kinds of customers regardless of age. They want to be able to ensure continuity of treatment by avoiding interruptions or delays in drug treatments caused by the lack of availability of medicines. In this way it is possible to ensure efficient therapeutic management and minimize inconvenience,” Sofia Perrone communications manager points out.

After Mazara del Vallo, Palermo and Rome in the future of Pharme there is the intention to work to land in new cities, soon in fact will be involved pharmacies present Naples, Turin and Milan.

The entire team is working so that the online platform can soon become an app that can be used on one’s smartphone, future goals include offering the ability to make payment for the medication directly during the booking process and prescription integration to simplify the purchasing process.


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