NTT Data, here is the AI program and its LLM

It’s called Artificial Intelligence Metamorphosis and it’s the new NTT Data program that aims to revolutionize the way Italian companies work through the use of artificial intelligence.

The program was presented by Ludovico Diaz, who has recently taken on the role of CEO of NTT Data in Italy, after having worked there until 2014, has now returned with the task of giving new impetus to the operations of the Japanese multinational in our country.

The goal of the program is a paradigm shift that wants to embrace the entire company organization, from the internal organizational model, to the business models, to the offer for customers, going beyond the mere concept of cost reduction and focusing on improving performance, exploring possibilities that were not viable before the spread of AI.

The initiative is part of a broader global strategy that since the beginning of last April has seen the activities of NTT Data and NTT Ltd. merged into NTT Data Inc., a giant that groups operations outside Japan and has more than 190 thousand employees in more than 50 countries with revenues of more than 30 billion dollars, of these 6 thousand are employees in Italy, and it is expected that 1500 more will be hired within the next four months, and the turnover of the subsidiary is currently equal to 650 million euros and the goal is to reach one billion euros by 2028 as Diaz points out, who also states that Italy is among the top seven geographies in the world together with the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Spain where it has a very strong presence and where the last edition of the Gobal eAwards for startups around the world.

This integration enables an additional competitive advantage for the Japanese multinational that now has a truly end-to-end AI transformation offering that ranges from consulting to infrastructure, data centers and connectivity, through the creation of digital solutions and platforms and the provision of managed services.

“Already today, 20% of NTT Data’s employees work with AI tools – says Diaz – the goal is to reach 40% soon, it is a global program that also leverages research and development activities, activities in which we invest about 4 billion euros every year, i.e. 30% of our margin which is allocated to both innovation and sustainability programs, among these is the development of our own LLM (large language model, ed.) called Tsuzumi which is the first designed on the Japanese language and has been under development at our Japanese laboratories for two years already. It is an important project for us not only for the results but also because it shows the market our ability to develop new technologies and not only to be a system integrator”.

The AI Metamorphosis program was born internally in NTT DATA Italia, and then launched on the market with the aim of accompanying large Italian organizations in this AI-enabled evolution after testing, experimenting, developing the skills and solutions to be offered to customers in order to transform business functions such as HR, finance, legal, marketing; transforming the value chain, i.e. the way they work and offer value-added services to customers, and transforming the value chain of its customers, supporting them in this AI-driven transformation journey.

The company will also integrate its systems with the proprietary internal AXET platform, which allows all employees access to a secure genAI focused on the needs of individual teams and individuals, to improve the performance of developers, consultants and in general all functions supporting the business. The platform, which consolidates and integrates proprietary solutions developed by various group companies and third-party commercial technologies, will be available to all employees from September 2024, but the individual solutions are already used by over 9 thousand employees for more than 1,400 projects and with 100 vertical use cases.

“This is a paradigm shift that is part of a very important and very fast moment of evolution, I believe that we need everyone’s skills and commitment, and also awareness of the implications, so I believe that the AI Act initiative of the European Union is important, it is a first step in a completely new terrain but it is essential to take into account the ethical aspects, it is a pioneering and courageous act that helps outline principles and guidelines,” Diaz concludes.


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