Next Age, the start-ups that innovate the silver economy

Next Age reached its third demo day where the start-ups that completed the third batch of the acceleration programme dedicated to the silver economy were presented to investors and companies.

The call for applications saw the candidature of more than 500 start-ups from the silver economy, of which 50% were Italian, 20% from the rest of Europe and 30% from 35 other countries around the world, testifying to the relevance of this topic and its global spread.

The start-ups selected in the third batch are: Bepi, a pill dispenser integrated with a digital platform that automates the administration of medicines at the hospital bedside, improving the effectiveness of therapy and optimising the work of staff; Rimborsiamo, a fintech platform specialising in senior customer interaction that offers legal assistance for claims, refunds and compensation; Hippocraticum, an AI-based software solution designed to reduce the administrative burden on doctors and allow them to focus on patient care; Lizard Med, a medical device based on a platform connected to an AI-driven digital platform that identifies, monitors and solves postural problems and related diseases; Vivi 365, a digital platform that delivers year-long wellness programmes, improving lifestyle, stress management and health prevention; Innereo, the first app that measures the user’s stress level and via AI generates customised music in real time to improve emotional awareness and mental well-being; Remo, a rehabilitation system that helps post-stroke patients regain the use of their hands and thus their lifestyle, from the comfort of home under the constant supervision of their physiotherapist.

Next Age, which is part of CDP’s National Network of Accelerators, is the first acceleration programme in Europe that invests specifically in start-ups in the silver economy, has so far invested in 22 start-ups that have already raised over EUR 8 million in direct investments and national and European grants and signed important partnerships and POCs with companies in the sector.

The programme is an initiative of CDP Venture Capital, AC75 Startup Accelerator (a business accelerator promoted by Fondazione Marche, Fondazione Cariverona and Università Politecnica delle Marche with the support of Regione Marche) and the international venture capital Orbit Startups.

Next Age’s mission is to develop an innovation hub in the silver economy. The programme provides investment, scientific validation, mentorship, and direct access to research centres and companies within an articulated international network. For the third batch, in addition to an initial investment of EUR 158,000 for each selected startup, Next Age provides access to two subsequent follow-on post-acceleration rounds totalling up to EUR 1.8 million and EUR 4.25 million for startups with the greatest potential.

The programme boasts an increasingly strong collaboration with its two main partners Intesa Sanpaolo and Amplifon, which together with the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and AmplifonX, create synergies and new opportunities for the start-ups in the programme.

Next Age also collaborates closely with a national and international network of leading scientific partners, such as INRCA Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani, Università Politecnica delle Marche, UK NICA National Innovation Centre for Ageing and Assolombarda’s Silver Economy Network as an ecosystem partner.

The 2024 edition was enriched by the collaboration, as a technical partner, of Voice Italia, a social enterprise born from the collaboration between the Fondazione Ravasi Garzanti and UK NICA to support companies, public administrations and universities to co-create innovative solutions with social impact that enable millions of people to have healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.

The progressive ageing of the population and the increase in active life expectancy mark an epoch-making demographic transformation that poses new economic and social challenges and opens up great opportunities that are still little considered.

The silver economy, i.e. the set of products and services aimed at the population over 50, has an expected value of EUR 5.7 trillion by 2025, equal to one third of Europe’s GDP. In Italy, the growing importance of this sector is evidenced by the increase in the over-65 population, which is expected to exceed 30 per cent in 2047, reaching almost 20 million people, says a note released by the accelerator.

AC75 Startup Accelerator is the Ancona-based startup accelerator with international reach that searches for, selects and invests in high-potential startups, supporting them through capital investments and specific acceleration programmes, with the aim of bringing value to the innovation ecosystem and generating a positive economic and social impact at regional and national level.

“The 2024 edition has seen confirmation of the growth trends in the silver economy sector: for example, from 265 applications received last year we have reached 517 this year. This growth is not only in numbers, but also in quality. Although half of the applications came from start-ups from all over the world, this year’s selection is entirely made up of Italian start-ups: I believe this is an encouraging sign for our country. A further sign of maturity that I think is very interesting is the use of AI: from being a marketing argument exploited by so many start-ups not always on purpose, most of the start-ups in the 2024 batch implement it as a tool within a coherent vision of their value proposition,’ Matteo Bina, general manager of the AC75 Startup Accelerator, tells Startupbusiness.

“The ongoing demographic transformation is driving a worldwide trend of growing demand for innovative products and services to live longer and better. Start-ups active in the silver economy that provide appropriate solutions and effective business models address a wide range of needs and reconcile their growth with the generation of economic activity along with positive impacts on society. For the third year, AC75 continues with the Next Age programme in its commitment to support the development of innovative solutions in the silver economy and the creation of the most favourable conditions for the diffusion of innovation and the expansion of the impacts generated,’ adds Mario Pesaresi, president of AC75 Startup Accelerator, in a note.

“The solutions presented today by the startups selected in the third edition of Next Age show us how much technology and digital can contribute to the silver economy,” commented Stefano Molino, senior partner of CDP Venture Capital and head of Fondo Acceleratori. “The startups have been accompanied along a very effective growth path thanks to the solid work of AC75 and SOSV and the corporate and research partners. As Fondo Acceleratori, we will undoubtedly continue to support the best projects also in the later stages of their development”.

“The Next Age programme confirms its importance for the development of startups in the silver economy, supporting and enhancing the innovation supply chain for the benefit of the Italian economy,” emphasises Anna Roscio, executive director sales & marketing Imprese Intesa Sanpaolo. “As the country’s leading bank, we are deeply committed to supporting the growth of Italian startups by facilitating their access to investors, corporate clients and banking products and services, including through our Up2Stars enhancement programme. To date, in fact, around 32% of start-ups and over 50% of innovative Italian SMEs have taken advantage of the opportunities we are able to offer”.

“Amplifon is always at the forefront of innovation, continuing the path begun almost three years ago with AmplifonX, the division dedicated to the development of new digital solutions that works as an internal research and development centre. We are always looking for new technologies to improve our customers’ quality of life and guarantee them an increasingly personalised service. The collaboration with AC75, which has been with us for over a year now, is essential to support us on this path”, says Antonio Curci, global director of AmplifonX. (Pictured are the founders of the start-ups that participated in the demo day)


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