Newcleo and NAAREA together for innovative nuclear power

announces a new industrial collaboration agreement, this time it is the signing of a strategic and industrial partnership with NAAREA (an acronym that stands for Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All). The partnership aims to support all actors involved in the fourth nuclear generation in their industrial, technological, scientific and regulatory development. The agreement is seen as complementary to the Small Modular Reactor Industry Alliance, which will soon be launched by the European Commission.

Newcleo and NAAREA, the first two winners of the France 2030 call for innovative nuclear reactor projects, will join forces to accelerate the development of their technologies: Newcleo is developing a lead-cooled fast neutron mini-reactor (a 30MWe demonstrator and a 200MWe commercial module) and NAAREA a molten salt fast neutron micro-generator (40MWe, 80MWth). Although they are different technologies, both solutions are of the fourth generation and allow the use of spent fuel from conventional reactors, ensuring the complete closure of the fuel cycle. Both Newcleo and NAAREA plan to bring their solutions to market by 2030.

This strategic and industrial partnership is open to all actors involved in the industrial design and implementation of the Gen-IV fast neutron reactors, in the areas of cooperation including:l fuel cycle , which involves theaccess to spent nuclear fuel (in particular the separation of transuranic elements (plutonium and americium) and the development and implementation of a supply chain for the reprocessing of spent fuel; f
financing of fuel cycle infrastructure
through the development of public-private partnerships; researchand development of a common platform (heat exchangers, materials, etc.) and facilitation of funding at European level; s
industrial development
by optimising and supporting procedures with safety authorities, providing access to scientific computing tools, in particular for safety demonstrations, making test centre sites available for future prototypes (including associated laboratories) and developing and implementing shared testing facilities.

Industrial Partnership

This integrated collaboration at the industrial, technological, scientific and regulatory levels will allow Newcleo and NAAREA, and subsequently other actors, to join their efforts to accelerate innovation in the field of fourth-generation nuclear energy, also gaining in efficiency, while maintaining the two technologies and their specific characteristics.

Thanks to this partnership, it will be possible to develop joint initiatives with the entire French nuclear ecosystem to facilitate the decision-making process necessary to successfully complete the energy transition through a mix that includes sustainable and innovative nuclear energy.

Stefano Buono, president and chief executive officer of Newcleo, says in a statement: By joining forces, Newcleo and NAAREA further encourage the development and deployment of Gen-IV nuclear technology in Europe. This collaboration reinforces our shared commitment to innovation and sustainability in the nuclear sector.”

Jean-Luc Alexandre, President and Founder of NAAREA, adds

: “Thanks to this industrial partnership, NAAREA and Newcleo are creating momentum to accelerate their development, providing a joint and coordinated response to the demand of public authorities to have a unified voice to express common needs. Our two companies want to simplify the work of public authorities and ultimately promote the development and deployment of fourth-generation nuclear energy in Europe, in a context of strong global competition.” (Photo by Waranont (Joe) on Unsplash)


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