Newcleo, agreement with Slovak Vuje

Newcleo, the scaleup that is developing next-generation nuclear fission reactor technology, says it has signed a cooperation agreement with Vuje, Slovakia’s leading nuclear company. The agreement is designed to shape a closer collaboration between the two companies aimed at developing advanced modular reactor (AMR) technologies and advanced fuel cycle solutions in the Slovak Republic.

The partnership kicks off a closer collaboration between nuclear experts from both companies, focusing on Newcleo’s lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) technology and mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. The aim is to explore the potential reuse of Slovakia’s existing spent nuclear fuel to fuel reactors, which is crucial to Newcleo’s goal of closing the nuclear fuel cycle. Specific areas of cooperation may include evaluating the implementation of Newcleo’s LFR technology in Slovakia, exploring fuel cycle solutions to potentially reuse Slovakia’s spent nuclear fuel inventory, collaborating on research and development activities, and developing skills and capabilities in advanced nuclear technologies.

Stefano Buono, CEO of Newcleo, says in a note: ‘Slovakia has more than 50 years of nuclear tradition, know-how and human capital in highly qualified experts, and Vuje has been the cornerstone of nuclear power in this field. We want to cooperate with Vuje on the further technical development of advanced nuclear reactors that can utilise spent nuclear fuel. This cooperation agreement could further accelerate our research and development and engineering activities in Europe. I am convinced that this cooperation could bring us closer to an exemplary solution for many European countries, effectively decarbonising power generation and providing a sustainable solution to spent nuclear fuel stockpiles.

Matej Korec, CEO of Vuje, adds: ‘Vuje, as Slovakia’s market leader in nuclear energy and services, is eager to collaborate on the further development of cutting-edge nuclear technologies. We believe that advanced modular reactor technologies and fuel cycle closure have great potential for the future of nuclear energy in Slovakia and Europe. By participating in Newcleo’s projects, we hope to help the technology become available soon.” (photo by Charlotte Venema on Unsplash)


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