Moonstone, here is the new Board of Directors

Moonstone, the venture capital investment vehicle born about a year ago, announces that it has appointed the new Board of Directors: Chiara Castelli, investment manager of Moonstone, Gianni Letta, Eleonora Mantovani and Lodovico Sella These are the new names that will sit at the next tables. Jacopo Mele, general partner, is now chairman of the Board of Directors.

Launched in May 2023 from the experience of Aurora Fellows, Moonstone puts ambitious and innovative projects with a potential positive impact for people and the planet at the center of its strategy. Healthcare, deeptech and climatetech are the main areas of focus.

Moonstone has already invested in 30 startups in 2023 and aims to close 120 investments in four years. Italy, Sweden, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany but also the United States are the countries in which he has operated the most to date.

“With our board members, who combine two centuries, and experience, Moonstone will have the guidance to invest in ambitious teams that will be relevant in contributing to the challenges of the next two decades,” Mele said in a statement.

Lodovico Sella, born in 2001, specialized in fintech at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, co-founder of the EdTech platform Growy is the youngest to sit at the table, as well as one of the youngest Italian venture capitalists. With him Gianni Letta, journalist, former undersecretary of state to the presidency of the Council of Ministers. Together with them, Eleonora Mantovani, born in 1992, former principal in the venture capital fund PROfounders Capital, co-founder of the investment syndicate Elementary Crew. A career that began in the RebelBio health and biotech program of the American fund and accelerator SOSV. Chiara Castelli, co-founder of Moonstone, born in 1994, member of Global Women in VC and head of product of 12Venture benefit company completes the
composition of the Board of Directors, to which Jacopo Mele, born in 1993, will report in the role of president.

“Our ultimate goal is to facilitate all those realities that aim to solve the most complex challenges, whose solutions should generate a positive impact for the planet and for human life. These are the major themes, for example, of innovation in the medical field and technologies applied to sustainability,” says Chiara Castelli.

Among the startups that Moonstone has supported is WSense, which recently raised 9 million euros in Italy, a deeptech company, born as a spin-off of the La Sapienza University of Rome, specialized in underwater monitoring and communication systems, based on patented technologies that are the forerunners of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). Among others, there is also Limenet, whose technology allows the permanent storage of CO2 in the sea, through a natural compound, calcium bicarbonate. But also Rosso, the startup of young people under 25 whose motto is: “making blood donation cool”, which aims to raise awareness of blood donation, making it not only a positive gesture but also desirable for genZ. (in the photo the members of the new Board of Directors of Moonstone)


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