MicThera, one million euros for the investment by Indaco

It’s called MicThera and is the startup that represents the first technology transfer investment by Indaco Venture Partners. The million-euro investment, Divided into tranches, it serves to support and accelerate the identification and development of new microbial-derived products for oncology indications.

MicThera harnesses the potential of beneficial microorganisms to create innovative treatments. The initial investment of Indaco Bio Fund will be used to develop new therapies for the treatment of oncological diseases, based on the research of internationally renowned scientific founders: Andrea Alimonti, Nicolò Pernigoni and Arianna Calcinotto.

“As part of our investment strategy, we are selectively scouting qualified technology transfer projects. In MicThera we have found a promising mix of scientific validation and therapeutic potential that has convinced us to support a talented team to start its entrepreneurial journey,” says Davide Turco, partner and managing director of Indaco Venture Partners, in a statement.

Nicolò Pernigoni, co-founder and executive director of MicThera, adds: “Our goal at MicThera is to translate cutting-edge microbial research into concrete cancer treatments that can significantly improve patient progress. We are committed to harnessing the power of beneficial microorganisms to pioneer new therapeutic approaches.”

“MicThera builds on research conducted by Professor Alimonti’s group and offers multiple opportunities to develop innovative microbial-derived therapies that explore new approaches for prostate cancer. MicThera will continue to maintain close collaborations with the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR, Bellinzona), ensuring the continuous translation of this cutting-edge research for the development of new therapies, providing new perspectives and hope to cancer patients around the world,” says Goncalo Rebelo de Andrade, partner of Indaco Bio Fund and president of MicThera, a company headquartered in Lodi. (Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash)


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