Lab-Evo, one million euro round financed by Fincarl

Lab-Evo, a startup born in 2022 announces that it has closed a one million euro investment round. The project, which is the brainchild of Matteo Nobili and specialises in health and wellness prevention, uses innovative technologies to offer accurate laboratory tests anywhere by promoting a healthy and conscious lifestyle to improve quality of life and promote longevity.

The round is the result of an investment by Fincarl, a Milan-based investment company, the capital entry confirms Lab-Evo’s potential in the health and wellness sector, where the start-up offers an innovative approach and its mission to make health a priority accessible to all.

“This new capital increase is an important recognition of the value of our company and its potential. We are delighted with the confidence placed in the project as we believe that digitisation can transform the way people access diagnostic and prevention services, making them more accessible, efficient and personalised,’ says Matteo Nobili, CEO of Lab-Evo, in a note.

A recent survey by The patients-association, reports a note, on diagnostic testing services in the UK, revealed a clear need for improvement, with 93 per cent of patients demanding more investment in diagnostics and 91 per cent prioritising investment in new technology. Many are willing to pay privately to avoid long waits, with 60 per cent saying they would be prepared to do so, and 77 per cent agreeing to home testing, demonstrating the need for improvement in services related to people’s health.

It is for these reasons that Lab-Evo aims to improve and expand its technology platform, facilitating remote access to laboratory analyses and offering customised wellness solutions. In addition, the new capital injection will be used to support business development, with a particular focus on the digitisation of the healthcare sector. In fact, the company aims to revolutionise the accessibility of laboratory analysis by providing an innovative and safe alternative to traditional methods.

In addition to enhancing technological and logistical capabilities as well as the purchase of advanced equipment, the investment will support marketing activities to increase Lab-Evo’s brand awareness and consolidate its position to become a reliable reference point in the health and wellness market through a range of customised products and services.

“With this new investment phase, we will strive to offer increasingly innovative and tailor-made solutions for our customers with affordable and accurate state-of-the-art technology. We aspire to become a digital benchmark to help people improve their quality of life and age successfully,’ Nobili adds.


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