Investopia, in Milan the Davos of the Middle East

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It has been dubbed the Davos of the Middle East and is also making a stop in Milan thanks to a partnership between the Emirati Ministry of Economy and EFG Consulting, a strategy consulting firm for internationalization processes with a focus on the Middle East.

Investopia Europe in its second edition was attended by seven hundred entrepreneurs and investors, more than 50 speakers, as well as the presence of six ministers from five countries. Also contributing to the reflections were words sent by Senate President Ignazio La Russa and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani. Below is a summary of the interventions according to a note released after the event.

Giovanni Bozzetti, president of EFG Consulting says in a note, “Investopia has proven once again this year that it is the place where every entrepreneur, manager and investor can meet and pursue the best business and investment opportunities. The strong message that emerges from today’s proceedings at Investopia Europe is that through a synergistic relationship between the public and private sectors and by acting together in a complex global context, regardless of the different origins, cultures, religions to which we belong, we can overcome the challenges of the economic downturn and geopolitical turmoil and turn them into opportunities.”

Luigi Di Maio, EU Special Representative (EUSR) for the Gulf region: “I am happy to see the richness and intensity of the dialogues not only between the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council, but also at the bilateral level between the respective governments, as well as the synergies that arise between the respective private sectors.” Attilio Fontana, Lombardy Regional President: “This event demonstrates the world’s interest in investing in Lombardy. The data show that Lombardy is the most attractive region for investment in Europe.”

Stefano Barrese, Intesa Sanpaolo:The Emirates is radically changing its business model. This represents a unique opportunity for the world and for Italy. Exports to these countries have grown by 25 percent in recent years. This was possible thanks to our small- to medium-sized enterprises that seized the opportunities to invest and redefine the content of their productions.”

Council Vice-President and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani: “Trade between Italy and the United Arab Emirates reached 8.7 billion euros in the year 2023 with a year-on-year growth of 8.6 percent compared to the year 2022. Numbers that are certainly already important but that the common challenges we face can expand both as quality and quantity of the offer of goods and services.” Senate President Ignazio La Russa: “In an economic and social context that is now increasingly interconnected and evolving, collaborative and friendly relationships among peoples and nations are essential to look together toward a common horizon of growth and prosperity.”

Promoting economic growth through international cooperation and partnerships

Al Marri, UAE Economy Minister: “The second edition of Investopia is important to us because Milan and Italy are a gateway to the European region. Today we are hosting Cop23 and we are here at Investopia to continue to advocate the importance of investing in sustainability. The next decade presents us with many challenges but just as many opportunities. We have a green growth strategy that we are working on, and it is very significant that it is being developed around the world.”

Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy: “Italy has always looked to the Mediterranean. The Europe that came into being after the fall of the Berlin Wall looked East and tried to grow through Russia and China. However, this direction of growth has been blocked by another iron curtain. Europe will now necessarily have to grow through the Mediterranean. The Emirates can play an extremely significant bridging role: they are the country of connectivity for both logistics and transportation and connections to renewable energy projects. We need to work together to unite Africa with Europe through the Emirates and other countries in the region by pooling our capabilities and connectivity. On new technologies, the Emirates is a country ahead in investment, and we are happy to establish a bridge with the global south.”

George Papanastasiou, Minister of Energy of Cyprus: “The business world had to learn to think differently when supply chains were disrupted. To prevent this from happening again in the future, we need to keep thinking differently. The Mediterranean is the bridge between Europe and the Middle East. We need to exploit the advantages of the Emirates and bring them to Europe, and Cyprus, like Italy, is in the perfect position to do that.”

Silvio Schembri, Minister of Economy of Malta “We need our ability to trade to grow. It is natural for us to look to Mediterranean trade as a key to success. During the covid there was a trend toward protectionism, and we had to fight to avoid it. That’s why events like Investopia are so important: If you don’t collaborate and invest, there is no future.”

Stimulating growth by investing in creative economies

Alfonso Dolce, Dolce & Gabbana: “Our story is not a celebratory tale of the brand, but it is a tale of our country’s ability to make.” Dario Rinero, Lifestyle Design Group: “Salone del Mobile was a record edition thanks to the Italian creative industry.” Matteo Lunelli, Altagamma: “We need to stimulate the vocation of young people toward manufacturing and improve training paths so that they meet the needs of our country. Many companies have company Academies and offer customized training paths. We need to bring managers and master craftsmen into the schools so that the two worlds come as close as possible.” Toni Scervino, Ermanno Scervino: “Made in Italy must be cultivated and preserved: which is why we have acquired groups of made-in-Italy companies to pass on and preserve their knowledge. Ways must be found to attract young people to this area. Elie Habib, Anghami: “We believe that it is necessary not only to distribute content, but also to disseminate it in our region. We want technology to help people be creative and learn how to be creative. For us, it is not about creating partnerships to make the project live and grow. Carlo Capasa, Camera Nazionale Moda Italiana: “We have a challenge toward sustainability but at the same time we have to preserve Italian creativity, and project it to the future.”

Daniela Santanché, Minister of Tourism: “Tourism gives our young people the opportunity to work and work all over the world. The sector accounts for as much as 13 percent of GDP, But we know that tourism suffered during the covid. Entrepreneurs, however, have been really resilient to keep their facilities open. So yes, tourism is doing well today, but the government must continue to support it.”

Innovation and investment as levers for competitiveness in tourism and hospitality

Giampiero Schiavo, Castello SGR: “Tourism today has restarted and there is a great desire to travel. Italy is the country with the most luxury destinations and we still have a lot of opportunities to grow some destinations.” Thanos Michaelides, Cyprus Hotel Association: “It is a very important moment in our industry, thanks to technology that will allow the customer to decide more and more where and how to go.”

Striving for global horizons: internationalization strategies for businesses

Antonio De Matteis, Kiton and Pitti: “The basis of everything must be product quality and innovation, as well as on constant training.” Sergio Dompé, Dompè Farmaceutici: “The prerequisite for innovation is internationalization. Digitization has helped small companies more than large ones, and I expect the same with artificial intelligence.” Matteo Zoppas, ICE: “Food fashion and supplies are those excellences that we have managed to grow over time by creating the made in Italy brand. What they buy is not our products but our ability to do business.” Angelos Gregoriades, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce: “We have provided incentives for industry to innovate on our island. This new industry creates many opportunities for our SMEs. I would invite Italy to consider Cyprus as a business base in the Middle East.”

Accelerating success: unlocking investment opportunities in SMEs

Anna Roscio, Intesa Sanpaolo: “Public guarantees played a very important role during both the pandemic and the recovery period. Today we have an efficient system of public guarantees. Certainly there has been an acceleration due to the use of NRP resources by SMEs in all aspects of the NRP. Today there is a need for acceleration with respect to Transition 5.0 because we believe it is the time to increase these investments.” Bruno Bartocci, Legance: “The entry of an international investor can foster the development of SMEs toward internationalization. SMEs have already welcomed capital from international investors and managed to develop the capacity to improve their performance.” Ladislao Balbiani, IDEAS: “In real estate you have to build long-term projects. If you want to attract capital and investors, redevelopment must be comprehensive, that is, it must be based on a public-private connection with the goal of aiming for regeneration.” Maria Paula Milheirao, SRS: “Portugal represents a success story because of the public policies active in our country that help support that success considerably.” Nader Al Bastaki, Dubai Future District Fund: “What is exciting today is to see the interest in finding opportunities to invest and create the chance to learn from both of our countries.”

Sustainability and green growth

Domenico Villani, CESI: “With respect to renewable energy, we have very important targets to reach but at the same time too little time to do so.” Massimiliano Di Silvestre, BMW Italy: “Our company adopts a very pragmatic principle: invest in hybrid, electric and hydrogen electric. One of the most important factors when talking about sustainability is concreteness: we invest in companies that contribute to the ecological transition process.” Veronica Squinzi, Mapei: “Sustainability must necessarily be linked to concepts such as urban regeneration, circularity and mobility. Building well means extending the life of buildings and infrastructures: to be able to achieve this requires investment in high-quality materials.” Paolo Catalfamo, LifeStar Holding: “There is a need for more education about green investments because investors have returns of expertise.”

Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti: “Focusing on Italy, we have seen growth in the economy demonstrated by growth in employment, exports and wages. Today’s event has a common goal: to understand how to make our countries’ economies more stable. Against this backdrop, the UAE’s amazing ability to grow has enabled it to become a leader in ecological transition and innovation. Today the Emirates is a key partner in this context, opening up opportunities to strengthen relationships and highlight our know-how. Six fields to work on: infrastructure in both the public and private sectors, renewable energy production, biomedical and pharmaceutical products, aerospace, software industry, and artificial intelligence. We will continue to improve by also strengthening the partnership with the United Arab Emirates.”

Among the companies that participated in the second edition of Investopia Europe: Abu Dhabi Ports, Accenture Middle East, Alinate Partners, Allianz Bank, Altagamma, Amcham, Assolombarda, Atb Group, Banca Cesare Ponti, Beeah Group, Bmw Italia, Bnl Gruppo Bnp Paribas, Borsa Italiana, Camera Nazionale Della Moda Italiana, Castello Sgr, Cesi, Chantecler, Confcommercio Imprese Per L’italia – Lombardia, Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo, Cyprus Hotel Association, Damiani Group, Deutsche Bank, Dompè Farmaceutici, Dubai Future District Fund, Emirates, Enel, Ermanno Scervino, Etro, Fineko Bank, Flou, Fontana Gruppo, Gabetti, Generalfinance, Greenthesis Group, Gruppo San Donato, Humanitas, Ibm, Infinity Global, Intesa Sanpaolo, Investindustrial, Invimit Sgr, Laurel, Lega Basket Serie A – Lba, Legance, Levoni, Lifestar Insurance, Mapei Group, Mediobanca, Mondadori, Nandwani Ventures, Palladio Holding, Piaggio Aerospace, Pitti Immagine, Prelios Sgr, Sda Bocconi, Sharaf Group, Sunset Hospitality Group, Taomoda, The Italian Sea Group, Unipolsai, Università Cattolica, Visa, Zurich Bank.


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