InspiringFifty Italia 2024, the award that promotes the role of women in tech

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Applications are open from today, 15 February 2024, for InspiringFifty Italy, the third Italian edition, after those of 2018 and 2021, of the European initiative that aims to reward women entrepreneurs, managers, researchers in order to promote models capable of inspiring the role of women in the world of entrepreneurship and technology. Inspiring Fifty was founded in 2013 by digital industry entrepreneurs Janneke Niessen and Joelle Frijters and is now led by the global EQL:HER network headed by Informa Tech Founders. Applications can be submitted until May 15, 2024, on the InspiringFifty Italy Nominete now website by women entrepreneurs, managers, influencers, researchers, scientists, investors and representatives of institutions that have distinguished themselves for being excellences in the world of technology, who can send their applications or be nominated by others. Thejury of the award (InspiringFifty Italia Jury 2024), composed of 24 important names from the business, economic and academic worlds, will choose the list of 50 Italian role models who will be awarded during the ceremony scheduled for September 7, 2024. The Italian edition is produced in collaboration with: Corriere della Sera, Klecha & Co, Sky Italia and Startupbusiness.

The uniqueness and strength of InspiringFifty

InspiringFifty is a global initiative, born in the Netherlands in 2013 and is now a fixed appointment in Europe and beyond because it has extended to Canada, South Africa in November 2023 to celebrate the top 50 African women in the sector and, since 2018, it has also been present in Italy. From the beginning, the goal of founders Janneke Niessen and Joelle Frijters was to create a non-profit project that would contribute to gender diversity in the world of technology, celebrating the figures of women and making them more visible, to make them a source of inspiration for young people. The first pan-European edition, after the local editions held in the Netherlands, was held in 2015. Today, InspiringFifty is part of EQL:HER, a global network of projects and events that aims to promote gender diversity in the technology industry, to ensure an inclusive future for women in all companies and organizations. The 2021 Italian edition, the last before this year’s, received over 200 applications. InspiringFifty Italia has awarded both Italian women who work in the world of innovation and technology in Italy, and Italian women who have found their way abroad in the same field. In this way, the initiative intends to create an international network among the women candidates and awardees that can then generate much wider opportunities than it would if it were restricted only to those who work in Italy. The Inspiring Fifty award is for women of all ages: in past years it has awarded winners from 18 to 80 years old. The network creates opportunities for intergenerational contact and comparison and stimulates pay-it-forward participants towards younger professionals. The aim of the project is to contribute to gender diversity in the world of technology. The announcement of the 50 winners is the beginning of a journey that aims to inspire future generations, women and men, and bring them closer to the STEM world. The nominated and award-winning women thus become concrete models for the younger ones, opportunities are created to meet in events, conferences, to coach and support them, precisely so that the path of one can become the guide of the other, giving a concrete answer to the idea that ”if they have made it, I can do it too”. Having positive role models that reflect the diversity of our society is essential to inspire the next generations of leaders and talent in the tech ecosystem, to define a more equitable future. The important thing is to bring one’s own experience and the fruit of one’s work in a context that makes it public, known, and makes it a constructive message for others. It is the message that wins, as well as the person. The organization of the award is managed by a group of volunteers coordinated by the ambassadors, who are also volunteers. Women engaged in their daily work, who believe in the project and dedicate time to organize and manage the entire plant, including the choice of partners. The high-profile jury, made up of 50% women and 50% men, evaluates the applications and names the winners, who are then celebrated in an awards, discussion and networking event with some entertainment. “To attract more women in STEM and close the gender gap, we need positive female role models and role models. The award serves to give visibility to these models, to create awareness especially among young women and to create a network of sisterhood – says Francesca Fiore who is ambassador and spokesperson for InspiringFifty 2024 and among the winners of the 2021 edition as well as being a business angel – . The award was for me a moment of reflection on how to interpret the role of role model. I realized that I had a responsibility to do something more than tell my professional story, which is why I decided to manage the project in this year’s edition for Italy and thus find other women who make a difference in the field of tech and innovation. Learn how to learn, this skill will allow you throughout your life to identify opportunities and overcome new obstacles. Technology is the only thing that allows me to happily manage my busy life.” “In Italy, too few inspiring women are still known, but the truth is that there are many, they just don’t have the spotlight on them yet,” emphasizes Valentina Tranquilli, co-founder of Cookies Factory, which was elected three InspiringFifty in 2021. They are women who are making a difference in the Italian economic landscape; women entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, technologists who contribute to the growth of this country every day. Inspiring Fifty gives the opportunity to bring out Italian female excellence, and it is important not for the mere promotion of these incredible women, but because it highlights these people as an example, and indeed inspiring, for young women who want to embark on a path, which until not long ago was considered the prerogative of men or more simply ‘boys’ stuff’. These women can also inspire young people so that the gender gap, still so strongly perceived, is increasingly a legacy of the past. For this reason, I am happy and honored to have been included in this list, not only for the commitment I put into my work as an entrepreneur, but above all for what I put into helping other young entrepreneurs in their professional career; and if we could inspire as many girls as possible to pursue a professional career in STEM or entrepreneurship, I think we would have done a great service to the community, to combat gender stereotypes and especially the biases that many girls have in facing certain paths, but which could guarantee them a successful future”. “InspringFifty is a very important award for women and young people. Because it helps to bring out women who have succeeded and are succeeding, in their small or large way, in leaving an impact in the company, in research, in institutions, in society,” says Francesca Gabrielli, CEO of Assist Digital and one of the winners of the 2018 edition. This is crucial for the younger generations who do not always have clear role models, especially when they have to make career choices that inevitably have a strong impact on their lives. Right from the start, the strong sign of the award emerged, which I can define as a ‘project’ for those who become part of the InspiringFifty community, to make sure that your story can inspire young people who are looking for guidance, support in their choices and do it not because you are a VIP, but because you are a normal person who wants to convey through his normality that you can grow professionally as much as you want become the CEO of a company and be an active part of it, and be happy. Don’t be afraid, ask questions because you will always find some ideas that will give you enlightenment, ask yourself what are the new trades and important skills that the market requires, find your way even in the face of some storm and keep your passion high, put in a strong commitment and keep your ethical principles firm and steady. You’ll get where you want to go. Curiosity is the flame to keep burning at all times. Find a way to do it, with passion, courage, always looking at your path in a positive way even when you fail.” “We live in a world where digitalization permeates every aspect of our daily lives and this implies attention to many aspects including cybersecurity, which I deal with, which must be seen as an essential element of this ecosystem. The current scenario offers enormous opportunities and perspectives to the new generations and to all those who want to seize them by approaching issues and deepening skills in continuous evolution. It becomes essential to shine a light on those who have traced the way in this direction, to concretely demonstrate that the world of technology can be inclusive and exciting”, underlines Sara Colnago, CEO of Business Competence and InspiringFifty award in 2021. Over the course of its international editions, InspiringFifty has awarded women of the calibre of Neelie Kroes, former Vice-President and Head of the Digital Agenda of the European Commission; Natalie Massenet, former founder of Net-à-Porter and now an investor with her Imaginary Ventures fund; Nicola Mendelsohn, former VP EMEA and now head of Global business group at Meta And then the Italians who have won during international editions: Paola Bonomo, independent director and angel investor; Barbara Labate, founder and CEO of ReStore; Barbara Cominelli, CEO of JLL Italia; Isabella Castiglioni, lecturer at the University of Milano-Bicocca and scientific advisor of DeepTrace Technologies; Sara Colnago, co-founder of Swascan; Nicoletta Mastropietro, chief digital and innovation officer of A2A; and Gioia Rau, program scientist at Schmidt Futures.

Applications and criteria

The application is made by clicking on the InspiringFifty Italy Nominate now link by May 15, 2024. Candidates must be role models and pioneers in the field of technology and innovation; In particular, they can be: founders of a technology company; ‘C’ level manager with a direct relationship to the CEO in a technology company; Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, or Chief Digital Officer, in any company; opinion leaders, lecturers, scientists, university researchers, policymakers. It is possible to self-apply or to nominate another person, candidates must be of Italian nationality, active in Italy or abroad. The application must contain a biographical profile and a brief motivational statement, further details are available on the appropriate page of the InspiringFifty Italy Nominate now website. The winners of InspiringFifty Italia will be awarded on 7 September 2024 in Milan at the SKY Italia headquarters. Nomination criteria include contributions and impact generated in the fields of technology and innovation, demonstrated innovation, leadership qualities, positive influence in the industry, visibility and engagement in the technology community, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and previous recognition for their achievements. Candidates are sought after for their ability to inspire, lead, and make a difference in the technology landscape, embodying the values of creativity, empowerment, and collaboration in their respective industries. The winners are selected by a jury of 24 people, 12 women and 12 men whose names are listed on the award website, including the rector of Bocconi University Francesco Billari, the CEO of Sirti Group Laura Cioli, Amazon’s country manager for Italy and Spain Mariangela Marseglia, Melissa Peretti , vice president and country manager of Google for Italy, the rector of the Politecnico di Milano Donatella Sciuto, Gianmarco Verona chairman of the Human Technopole, Agostino Santoni , vice president of Cisco for Southern Europe and vice president of Confindustria, Francesco Profumo , rector of the Polytechnic of Turin, Diana Saraceni , partner of Panakes Partner. And then again Marcello Cattani , president of Farmindistria and Sanofi for Italy and Malta, Stefano Cuzzilla , president of Federmanager and Trenitalia, Davide Dattoli , founder of Talent Garden, Raffaele Mauro , general partner of the Primo Space fund, Fabio Mondini , founding partner of Growth Capital, Diego Piacentini , founder of View Different, Barbara Poggiali , chair of the Italian Investment Fund, Valeria Sandei CEO Almawave, Fabio Vaccaronno CEO of Multiversity, Giorgio Ventre professor at the University of Naples, Giada Zhang CEO of Mulan and the aforementioned Paola Bonomo, Nicoletta Mastropietro, Isabella Castiglioni, Barbara Cominelli.


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