IndentifAI’s seed round led by United Ventures is worth 2.2 M€

IdentifAI, a start-up specialising in defining and training models to identify the origin of content potentially generated by artificial intelligence systems, announces a EUR 2.2 million seed funding round led by United Ventures.

The investment supports the development of countering the malicious use of deepfakes and promoting a transparent and secure information environment. Also participating in the round as business angels were Edoardo Alessandri of Wellness Holding, Matteo Fago, co-founder of (now Expedia) and Umberto Paolucci of UP Invest.

IdentifAI aims to provide every individual, citizen, consumer, political or corporate decision-maker with the power to clearly distinguish whether what they observe is the result of artificial intelligence or human creativity. In this way, it wants to ensure that emerging technologies serve the common good and do not become instruments of destabilisation, including through equally effective technologies capable of limiting these risks.

“Technological advances in generative AI will bring the physical and digital worlds closer together, making them indistinguishable to the human eye. I believe it is our right to be informed, at all times, about what we use to feed our mind, which in turn directs our opinion – says Marco Ramilli, founder of IdentifAI (pictured), in a note -. This funding will allow us to take further steps in the fine-tuning of our degenerative models, which are able to distinguish natural content from artificial content, produced in many cases by an opposing artificial intelligence. This funding will allow us to take further steps in the fine-tuning of our degenerative models, which are able to distinguish natural content from artificial content, produced in many cases by an opposing artificial intelligence”.

As the generative artificial intelligence market expands, already worth $45 billion in 2023 according to Fortune business insights, the demand for de-generative solutions will also increase. The size of the false image detection market is expected to grow from $0.6 billion in 2024 to $3.9 billion by 2029 with a growth rate of 41.6 per cent during the forecast period according to MarketsandMarkets’ forecast reported in the note released by IdentifAI.

‘The investment in IdentifAI is consistent with our investment thesis of selecting initiatives that can provide innovative solutions to complex problems, such as mitigating the collateral and potentially negative impacts associated with the spread of artificial intelligence, – says Massimiliano Magrini, managing partner and co-founder of United Ventures -. Distinguishing whether a piece of content has been created by a human being or not is becoming increasingly crucial, and IdentifAI is well positioned to exploit emerging opportunities in this area. Marco Ramilli, a second-time entrepreneur, brings a strong track record, technological expertise and strategic vision, making IdentifAI poised to play a leading role in the deepfake detection industry”.

By degenerative model IdentifAI means its own generative model trained to identify an artefact, image, video, sound or text, created by an artificial intelligence. A deconstructive system based on the probability of the occurrence of each individual pixel.


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