Enerfip, here is the platform to invest in renewable energy

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Enerfip is the investment platform that allows anyone to invest in companies developing renewable energy technologies. Enerfip now arrives in Italy, marking a new chapter for responsible investment in the energy sector. With the aim of democratizing the financing of the transition to a sustainable energy model, Enerfip presents itself as a catalyst for change and innovation. Founded in 2014 in Montpellier by a team of experts in renewable energy and finance, Enerfip has grown into a solid company with around 40 employees and operational offices in Montpellier, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam and now, Milan. Enerfip is not just an investment platform: it is a movement that aims to actively involve citizens in the energy transition towards decarbonization.

Over €440 million raised

The platform developed by Enerfip allows investors to participate directly in the financing of projects that have as their common goal the production of clean and renewable energy. Since its foundation, Enerfip has raised over €440 million that has funded more than 400 projects, proving that a greener economy is not only possible, but is already in place. Among the projects financed, it is worth mentioning, for example, Opération Blanche Main , which raised 2.5 million for the development of renewable energy in Italy to finance various projects in the area. Thanks to this collection, photovoltaic parks will be built on roofs and on the ground by the Italian branch of Smart Energies. Those who invest in Enerfip are in fact investing in simple bonds that have a fixed rate, a predetermined redemption frequency and a set maturity. When a company wants to finance itself (or find funds to finance a project), the necessary amounts may require the involvement of a large number of investors. This is where the platform that publishes the offer comes into play and allows you to become one of these investors by actually “buying” a bond, i.e. a part of this debt. In addition to the principal, which is returned to the investor on a set date, the debtor undertakes to pay periodic interest at a fixed rate.

European Platform

Already operating in France, Spain and the Netherlands, since September 2023 Enerfip has also had an office in Italy and the choice is not accidental. “Italy, with its strong commitment to sustainable energy, its innovative policies and particularly favourable climate, represents fertile ground for Enerfip’s expansion. This expansion underlines the company’s desire to be at the heart of a Europe that works together towards a clean and sustainable energy future,” Julien Hostache, co-founder and chairman of the Group, said in a statement. Guido Teot, an expert in fintech, strategy and innovation, has been entrusted to Guido Teot, who will be in charge of forging relationships with investors and companies by promoting responsible investment in the energy sector. “I am really proud of this role that will allow Enerfip to bring its history and experience in support of the environment to our country as well. Enerfip has already financed over 400 green projects. It is tangible proof that it is possible to do business and at the same time be an active part of an energy transition towards the decarbonization of the planet.”


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