Diversity and inclusion, the value of uniqueness

The formula of uniqueness is the title of the book written by Daniele Regolo whose subtitle is A New Path to Inclusion (Mondadori, 145 pages, 17.10 euros the paper version with a preface by Alessandro Cannavò).

Daniele is an entrepreneur, one of the first that Startupbusiness followed, already 10 years ago, it was April 2014 when we gave news of the round raised by his startup which was called Jobmetoo, in 2019 Daniele also wrote an in-depth study for Startupbusiness to analyze the issue of inclusion in the world of work, then in January 2020 the startup became part of the Openjobmetis group .

Daniele continues to work on the issues that led him to found Jobmetoo and he does so today with even greater competence, experience and awareness. This awareness also translates into the desire to share his thoughts as a person who directly experiences the difficulties related to diversity and inclusion and as a person who has made a significant, concrete, effective contribution in order to help others in a way that, however, is not that of assistance but is that of awareness and the creation of tools capable of unhinging logics often dictated by irrational biases.

New Awareness

In his book he tackles the theme of D&I in a completely new way, in a counterintuitive way, as he writes, in a way that goes beyond the logic to which we often refer today, the logic of woke culture, the logic of the extremization of political correctness, the logic of cancel culture, logics that, Regolo writes, risk being even more harmful than the problem they propose to solve. He gives examples in which it emerges how easy it is to fall into paradoxical situations, in which the trap of rhetoric can even, absurdly, have comical consequences. The formula of uniqueness is a reading that works as a new compass to navigate a sea that can be very treacherous (and the comparison with the sea is not accidental since Daniele is a passionate sailor).

To look at the delicate and very important issues of diversity and inclusion through Daniele’s eyes, through his reflections, is to open up to welcome a completely new interpretative code where there is no room for façade stances, where there is no room for imaginative dialectical, grammatical, orthographic inventions, but where we go deep into the meaning of a normality that must arise from the awareness of each of us.

An awareness that passes through an individual awareness before a collective one and that is declined both in the world of companies, which is the world to which the book mainly refers, and in broader social contexts.

Daniele reads and writes, interprets and shares the issue starting from his personal experiences that he is not stingy in telling the reader, and he does so by taking by the hand those who come across his pages, putting a little philosophy and a lot of direct experience that becomes the key to understanding how D&I are not asterisks, It’s not the certifications, but the ability to look at the human mechanism with completely new eyes.

(Daniele Regolo’s book will also be presented at the Turin International Book Fair)


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