Closing for the Nextalia Relaunch Capital Fund

Nextalia SGR, after having announced its Venture fund earlier this month, now announces that it has completed the first phase of funding for the Nextalia Capitale Rilancio fund, a closed-end alternative fund reserved for professional investors, three months after its launch.

For the Fund’s first closing, Nextalia raised subscriptions of EUR 215 million from an investor base composed, net of the commitment of EUR 100 million by a leading institutional investor, as announced at the Fund’s marketing launch, of: some of Italy’s leading banking and insurance groups (around 42% of the funds raised); some of Italy’s leading pension funds and banking foundations (around 43% of the funds raised); multiple family offices and entrepreneurs (around 15% of the funds raised, including Nextalia SGR’s commitment).

Nextalia Capitale Rilancio is a fund with a relaunch strategy specialising in equity investments, with a focus on companies in need of operational and business restructuring. In particular, the fund intends to invest, by means of capital increases and hybrid instruments, in medium-large Italian companies characterised by a temporary situation of economic, equity and/or financial imbalance and by solid prospects of a return to profitability, with the aim of relaunching them.
The Fund is led by an investment team with consolidated experience in the corporate relaunch sector and complementary expertise, comprising senior partners Francesco Rigamonti, Giovanni Fregnan and Roberto Pisa and partners Lorena Ponti and Valentina Roggiani. The investment team will be further strengthened by the end of the year with the addition of two more partners with management and investment experience in companies to be relaunched.

Francesco Canzonieri, CEO of Nextalia SGR comments in a note: “In the current market context, which is particularly challenging for fundraising activities, the announcement of this result confirms Nextalia’s role as a reference platform on the Italian scene and the trust of our investor base. A few weeks after reaching the hard cap target of the Nextalia Ventures fund, we reach a further milestone in our growth strategy, bringing to the market a new instrument to preserve and enhance the heritage of skills, know-how, productive and creative capacity of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric. Nextalia Capitale Rilancio enriches Nextalia’s offer of investment strategies, which aims to cover the entire life cycle of the company, always with the objective of creating value for our investors.”

Francesco Rigamonti, senior partner of the Fund, adds: “The Italian market has historically been characterised by a scarce presence of institutional investors specialised in relaunching companies through equity injection, creating a competitive disadvantage compared to the main foreign markets. For some years now, a more favourable environment for this segment has been emerging, partly as a result of changes in legislation, regulations and market practices. In this context, Nextalia Capitale Rilancio represents a unique opportunity to support companies in their relaunch paths, providing them with the necessary financial, managerial and management resources.” (Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash)


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