Bending Spoons, the new headquarters in Milan

New Milan headquarters for Bending Spoons, the scaleup, or rather the unicorn that recently closed a $155 million round with a valuation of over $2.5 billion, which inaugurates its new offices in the Porta Nuova district.

The inauguration follows a project worth €8.5 million, led by the Milanese architecture and interior design studio Nomade Architettura, and carried out under the supervision of general contractor Taramelli.

Located in Via Nino Bonnet, a few steps from the previous headquarters in Corso Como, the space is spread over three floors in a modern building developed and managed by Coima. The new headquarters has obtained one of the highest awards for environmental sustainability and occupant well-being, winning LEED and Wekll-Gold certifications. The spaces also include terraces, meeting rooms and focus rooms with an eclectic design, as well as a multifunctional canteen with a play area and bar.

“We set out to create one of the best workspaces of this size in the world ,” said Nicolle Wasserman, project manager for Bending Spoons, in a statement.The ultimate test will be to see how the spooners find themselves, but we believe we have potentially succeeded. Every decision on every detail was focused on functionality and aesthetics and strongly guided by the wishes and needs expressed by the spooners themselves. This office is more than just a physical space to support and inspire our spooners. It’s a manifestation of our commitment to their potential and growth.”

Spooners from all over the world

Selina Bertola, lead architect and founder of Nomade Architettura, comments: “Bending Spoons approached us with an ambitious idea in mind: to create an ideal workspace for all spooners. Every element of our project reflects this vision. Much of the design is tailored to meet the company’s high standards of functionality and aesthetics, and every detail serves to foster an environment that inspires and fosters collaboration, productivity and focus. Together with Bending Spoons, we have gone beyond conventional office design to create a space that truly reflects the values and aspirations of the company and spooners.”

The new headquarters will welcome all the spooners, Italian and international, who reside in Milan. In March, the company will invite all spooners working remotely in different parts of the world to spend a week in the city to experience the new office.

Bending Spoons will also use the spaces to host many of the initiatives and events organized by the company, including those dedicated to women pursuing a degree in computer science, and other promising students from Italy and throughout Europe.


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