Bending Spoons, scholarships for women in tech

Bending Spoons continues to populate the chronicles of the Italian and international startup ecosystem, after the recent announcements of acquisitions, it now announces that it has launched a new scholarship program aimed at young women who want to pursue a career in the technology sector. The company will offer scholarships worth five thousand euros each to 20 individuals who identify as women and who are pursuing an undergraduate course in computer science in the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, or a non-EU Balkan country.

Nicole Wasserman, head of people operations at Bending Spoons, said in a statement: “As a technology company, it is our intention to contribute to the improvement of the industry. Working to close the gender gap by supporting women in their education is one of the ways we can contribute to this change. By encouraging the professional development of young people from underrepresented groups, we aim to foster a future where talent, passion and ambition are the only prerequisites for contributing to innovation and progress.”

This project is part of Bending Spoons’ broader commitment to closing the gender gap in the tech industry. Other initiatives promoted by the company include, for example, the sponsorship of training courses in programming, the offer of training courses in computer engineering and the organization of competitions and other events dedicated to women.

In Italy in particular, over the years, Bending Spoons has promoted numerous initiatives to support young talents. These include scholarships worth €7,500 each for 10 young female students of the degree course in computer engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, a partnership project with Codemotion to train high school girls in artificial intelligence and programming, and the sponsorship of the Coding Women Sicilia initiative.

Applications for the Bending Spoons Women in Computer Science Scholarship will be open until May 13 , and winners will be announced in July 2024. (Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash)


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