Balanced is the start-up that innovates the way you lose weight

Taking care of one’s health is fundamental, doing so while also paying attention to what one eats is crucial, achieving effective and long-lasting results a great satisfaction. This could be how the principles on which the start-up Balanced (which we mentioned in this article) was founded could be summarised.

“There are many people who embark on diets but for various reasons give up after a short time or fail to achieve their results. On average, 80 per cent of diets fail within the first year, and 90 per cent of people who lose weight regain it within two years. But why does this happen? What is missing in traditional diets? – the two co-founders Alessandro Marchetto and Leyla Gargiulo (pictured) explain to Startupbusiness – The most common problem we have identified is the lack of constant support: people feel abandoned to themselves, and often the question they ask the nutritionist for clarification is only a means of receiving feedback and warmth, a way of receiving encouragement to continue and not to give up after the first obstacle, such as the lack of immediate results in the short term. A second order of problems is related to the lack of customised food plans. People are looking for convenience and flexibility, and impractical and un-personalised solutions are the first obstacle to a sustainable path’.

The key word for a person starting on the path with Balanced is customisation. Customisation of the diet plan, which takes into account the person’s preferences, their lifestyle, the sporting activity they practise, their attitude towards cooking, customisation of the monitoring and support pathway, a dedicated nutritional advisor who is there to respond to whatever the client needs. Balanced relies on constant presence, at all times and in all circumstances, so as to eliminate any possible excuses and allow people to start and finish a path to wellness. The support activities are performed by a nutritionist biologist who acts as a dedicated nutritional counsellor for the patient. This figure is in charge of constant monitoring, daily support and assistance, emotional and behavioural support.

“The client is no longer alone. In traditional nutrition courses, after receiving the diet plan the doors often close and the person is alone with himself. An endless document of nutritional notions and everything depends on his real willingness to follow the diet. Balanced takes you by the hand and accompanies you, step by step, to the results you’ve always wanted to achieve,’ emphasise the co-founders

The start-up venture builder Mamazen conducted a two-month pilot phase with 14 users who tried the service and found that 80 per cent of the initial customers remained active even after the test period and all initial patients achieved a weight loss: on average, men lost about 5 per cent of their initial weight, women about 3 per cent.

The plan that Balanced offers now that it has kicked off its business plan includes an initial free trial week, an initial nutrition counselling with receipt of the plan and a dedicated nutrition counsellor for all the support activities described above at the time of the first payment, then, when the user after having enjoyed the free week decides to continue.

“We will start with 30 paying users by the end of September and expect an increase of 15 to 20 users per month until December,” predict Marchetto and Gargiulo, who before founding Balanced have both developed experience in large organisations and created start-ups in Italy and abroad and who intend to make a difference in an area, that of wellness and weight loss, that really needs innovation.

For Startupbusiness readers who wish to do so, Balanced has developed a special code that guarantees membership in the programme on favourable terms, all info at this link (the promotional code Ottobre24 must be entered at the end of the trial week to obtain the reserved terms).


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