B2B e-commerce, Zero11’s technology

“We have been system integrators for a long time and we continue to be so, but we have also decided to develop new things, to make our contribution to the innovation process,” says Andrea Bosio, head of business development at Zero11, a Turin-based company that offers an e-commerce platform called Rewix that responds to specific market demands. “We started with custom projects, and then years ago we expanded to the context of b2b e-commerce with particular attention to the fashion sector, we started with a multi-brand clothing retailer who was our first customer of the platform that we developed in a highly personalized way because at the time there were no solutions on the market that suited what the customer was looking for.” Zero11 financed the development of the platform entirely with capital from the system integration activity, the company had a turnover of about 800 thousand euros in 2023 and employs 12 people. “Today there are about 30 companies that use our platform, these are companies that operate in b2b mode and in different sectors, it should also be borne in mind that at Zero11 we have always invested in technologies and we are attentive to the latest evolutions such as the case of artificial intelligence that we use both for the generation of descriptive texts of products, and for the automatic recognition of the products themselves”. In a highly competitive market, Zero11 wants to work to raise awareness of the features of its Rewix platform, which is proposed as the ideal solution for those who do b2b e-commerce because it is able to manage both marketplace and dropshipping models and because it integrates with all the different sales channels that the company wants to adopt. “We have seen how our solution has impacted the strategies of the initial customer who changed their business model thanks to our platform by becoming a digital service provider, dropshipment and today is a distributor of SaaS services. Helping our customers to sell online to other companies is the main mission we have, today our customers are mainly Italian but we also have some international ones, today the challenge is to make our product known with its unique features and make us preferred over other suppliers on the market who may be better known but have products that do not do what Rewix does”.

Scalable and customizable platform

Rewix is native B2B and is highly customizable from a process point of view, highly scalable, written in Java enterprise, integrates security features, and is based on an evolving architecture with continuous releases, it is also ready to use to allow companies to sell b2b from the first moment and it communicates with platforms such as Hubspot, Salesforce, Mailup, Mailchimp. It also integrates a CRM that allows you to filter customers, launch marketing campaigns, DEM and promotional campaigns, and incorporates Tabloo for reporting useful for business intelligence activities. “The Italian market is one of the most complex also due to the tax issues of management systems, abroad it is easier to do many things and above all the b2b sector in this area is growing and in some sectors still almost completely unexpressed, there is currently no reference player and in many sectors there is a lack of supply chain integration that can instead be achieved with our solution. Rewix is provided in SaaS mode and entirely in the cloud, the customer pays the fee that we offer in three different types depending on the features of the platform which are all integrated and ready to use, we do not provide for variables on the number of users or the number of transactions and we do not apply revenue sharing models”. Rewix’s customers are companies such as Maxicollection, MMI, Kidsdistribution, 1001vini, Edrinks, DGA, Skinlabo, La casa italiana, Bm arti grafiche, Eltra sistemi, Myunderwear, so fashion but also food and drink, furniture, beauty. There is an issue that certainly needs to be addressed when it comes to this type of service and that is that of dropshipping, which is often associated with opaque practices: “Dropshipping is a tool – explains the manager of Zero11 – its value is determined on the basis of how I use it, what products I pass you through, for example with drugs you can’t do dropshipping, the model is interesting and can also be used in contexts where unfinished products, semi-finished products, raw materials are sold and this is what we want to move on more and more. I don’t think dropshipping has more impact on the environment than the traditional model because it helps to make just-in-time orders and therefore also just-in-time production, in this way I avoid that there are warehouses with large returns, I almost believe that the dropshipping product is more ecological because the product moves only when it has been ordered”.


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